"Just one battle at a time."

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Later that day Gwen and I were in our dorms getting ready for the game. I reminded Gwen to dress warm because it's cold in the rink, but did she listen to me? No. Why would she? She wore low cut jeans and a t-shirt. I, on the other hand, knew how to dress for a hockey game. I put on my high rise, ripped jeans, white long sleeved shirt with a short sleeved graphic tee over top, my dads letterman jacket and my black boots.

"Gwen, I am telling you! You are going to freeze." I warned once more.

"Tarynn, and I am telling you! Beauty is pain!" She shot back.

"Ok, well you can still be beautiful with a zip up." I reasoned.

"Nope. Don't worry, I have a plan." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"And...that would be...?" I asked.

"You'll see." I sighed at her and she just laughed and continued with her makeup.

"Gwen you are so beautiful, you don't need to wear all that makeup! Plus, we're going to a hockey game, not the prom." I teased.

"Prom! Oh my gosh, do you think there will be a prom?" She asked excitedly.

"I don't know, but, what I do know is that you're too pretty to hid your face under all that. Plus, don't you want Adam to like you for the real you?" I asked.

"But what if he doesn't?" She panicked.

"He totally does! And he'll like you even more when he sees how totally gorgeous you are even without makeup!" Some smiled and nodded then reached for a makeup wipe.

"But what if-" She started.


"Alright, alright. Ill take some off." She agreed. "But I'm not changing my outfit!"

"That's ok. Just one battle at a time." I teased. Finally. After much more reassuring that she looked great the way she is, we finally decided to go. We walked down the corridor and made our way to the rink. We looked up to see Scooter waving us up. We saw Adam sitting a row infront of them so we walked up to sit with him. He moved his letterman jacket to the other side of him so Gwen could sit. I sat next to Gwen who was already shaking.

"Gwen, what did I tell you?" I rubbed my hand on my forehead.

"I didn't think it would be that cold." She shivered as she rubbed her goosebump covered arms up and down.

"I told you it would be! Do you want my jacket and I'll go get another one?"

"No it's ok, Tarynn." Adam intervened. "Here Gwen, you can wear my jacket." He draped his jacket over her shivering shoulder and she scooted closer to him. She game me a look and I knew.

"Was that the plan?" I whispered.

"You know it." She smiled big and leaned on him. We watched all the players take their places on the ice. Guy looked up from the bench and smiled at me. I gave him a quick wave.

"You saw what I saw?" I heard Cole snarl from behind me.

"No?" My neither said confused.

"Seems like one of the little ducks is trying to move on your sister." My mouth opened a bit and I rolled my eyes.

"So? Just stay out of it. It's not your business. She can handle herself." My brother retorted. I heard cole huff from behind me, and I smiled because for once, my big brother has my back, just like big brothers should.

I mean, I shouldn't say 'for once'. He's had my back before.


"Why are you acting like it's a bother to talk to me?" I accused Wyatt.

"Im not! would you chill out! Why do you always overreact?" He yelled back.

"Im not overreacting! You literally answered my call with "what do you want now?" Like, come on Wyatt! What am I supposed to do with that,huh?"

"Did you ever think that maybe, I don't know, I don't always wanna talk to you. Like, God, Tarynn! You are so damn boring. Why would I wanna talk to you?"

"Excuse me?" The next second the phone was ripped from my hand and I look up to see Scooter raise it to his ear and begin speaking.

"Hey, if I ever hear you say some shit like that to my little sister again, I'm beating the shit out of you! You got that?" He dropped the phone on my bed where only a dial tone was do be heard. "Hey, If he ever pulls something like that again, you tell me. I'll handle it. Now, come on, let's go get lunch." He cared. Maybe it's like a sibling intuition thing but me and Scooter can have full on screaming matches with eachother, but the second one of us is introuble, we are always right behind to back eachother up.

-flashback over-

I watched the game and they were doing really well. I kept looking at#00 whenever he was playing and he was great. Y'know, it's usually Charlie or Adam getting the praise, which is understandable, but wow, when you really look at the game and take in each player you realize how truly amazing each of them are. Especially Guy. I mean, the control, the efficacy. Everything. He just puts in 110% effort each time his skates hir the ice.

I looked over at the stands to see Linda looking down and clapping for Charlie. Seemed like we both were squashing our pride to be here.

The first two periods were over and it was evident that the other team was getting absolutely demolished. It seemed almost impossible for them to make a comeback.

They got back on the ice and for some reason they just lost their drive. It was very common in sports. Teams tend to overwork themselves in the first part of the game, which makes it hard to keep up with the opposing team during the last bit of the game. They were getting more and more discouraged with each goal the Blake Bears scored, but no one was getting more frustrated than Charlie. Guy was not kidding when he said Charlie had a bad attitude. It was there and it was bad and it was obvious.

"We're gonna head out, Tar." My brother told me.

"Oh okay, bye." I waved to my brother as he and his team walked off. Adam stayed with us. Well, at this point it didn't seem like he had a choice. Gwen was all over him. He had his arm around her shoulder and she had his arms wrapped around his midsection. I looked at them and smiled. Gwen, I don't think had stopped smiling since the moment we got to the game. Or since she met Adam, for that matter.

Charlie was inevitably sent in the penalty box, which only added fuel to the raging fire burning inside him. It was sad. I could tell it wasn't just pure anger. It was like, sadness mixed with betrayal, mixed with anger.

Fun fact #2: in D2 Julie and Adam were supposed to get together. She helped care for him and his wrist. But this idea was deleted form the original script which is why the "her name is Julie, not babe!" Scene seems so out of place.

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