"Im so embarrassed."

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A/N: buckle up for this chapter guys!

The end of the day had come and the boys would be coming over in a few hours. Despite what I kept saying to Gwen, I was actually kind of excited. Now, don't get too excited, this isn't the character development part in the story where I just go ahead and admit that I really might like a jock. It's just nice to have friends,Y'know? Either way, I was bonding. With Gwen and the Boys.  They were really fun and although I acted like it was a bother to talk to them, I really enjoyed it.

"Oh my gosh. Guy is totally into you!" Gwen squealed as she walked into the dorm throwing her bag onto her bed.

"He is not." I chuckled at her craziness.

"He totally is! He literally went to get your book for you!" She said.

"Probably because I complained to him all day about how much my head hurt. He was just being nice." I reasoned.

"Okay, but he kept looking at you during lunch."

"Because we were having a conversation, Gwen." I laughed as I shut down each of her reasons

"Okay...but I honestly think you two are getting really close." She said in an eager attempt to make me admit some admiration for eachother.

"Yeah, I guess. Only because we have the same schedule. He's nice." He eyes lit up for whatever reason.

"So you like him?!" She asked loudly.

"I like him fine, I just don't have a crush on him." I explained, once again, for the millionth time.

"I think Adam likes me!" She exclaimed.

"Probably." It seemed like he did.  "Hey, yknow what's weird?"

"What?" She asked.

"I know we've only known them for like, less than a week, but I feel like I've known Guy forever. Like I can talk to him like I can talk to my friends from home."

"That's called compatible,babe." She said nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes playfully while changing into some shorts and a t-shirt then I laid on my bed and listened to my walk man to try and down out my headache, which worked. Because I eventually fell alseep.

Abruptly, I was woken up by Gwen and I sat up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and laid back down while opening my eyes.

"How long was I out for?" I asked Gwen.

"A little over two hours, the boys are gonna be here in about thirty minutes to an hour so I wanted to wake you in case you wanted to get ready."

"Nah." I laughed. " I think I'm good. This outfit is good enough. I'm still tired. Just wake me up when they get here." I waved Gwen off and went back to bed for an extra hour of sleep.

I was woken up what felt like only 10 minutes later. I rolled over in my bed and waved her off again. Then she shook me again.

"Gwen! I said wake me up when they get here." I complained while throwing a pillow over my head. The shaking continued and I threw the pillow to hit whoever was shaking me.

"Hey!" I heard from above me. It wasn't Gwen's voice.

"I told you she'd be cranky." Gwen chuckled. I sat up and looked at who was shaking me.

"Morning sleepyhead." Guy teased. I smiled at him. Then looked at Gwen who was sitting on her bed with Adam looking closer than usual.

"Gwen, I thought you said they were coming in an hour."

"Yeah they did. You were alseep for an hour." My eyes widened.

"Really?" She shook her head. "Oh."

I sat up in my bed and smoothed out the sheets and looked at Guy who was just standing.

"You can sit down, you know." I said to him while moving over so he could sit next to me. "How was practice?"

"It was okay, but man, Charlie's got a bad attitude." He rolled his eyes and leaned back.

"Still?" Adam asked. Guy nodded and rolled his eyes again.

"Gwen, did you hear? Tarynn here, is going to my game tomorrow ." Her eyes lit up as soon as Guy said that.

"You're lying!" Her smile widened.

"Settle down." I teased. "But yeah, I am going."

"Well, then so am I." She stated with confidence.

"Do you guys wanna go to the diner after the game?" Adam asked.

We all agreed to go after the game. Throughout the afternoon I noticed Adam and Gwen progressively get closer to eachother and I kept looking at guy when they would flirt.

"I'm gonna grab something from the vending machine, anyone want anything?" Gwen asked.

"I'm good." I said.

"I'll come with you." Adam offered, while practically jumping up.

"Ok. We'll be back soon." She said while walking out the door with Adam. An awkward solvent lingered in the air before Guy asked me a question.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" I said while turning to face him.

"Ok, like, you don't have to answer this but I was wondering, why don't you like jocks?" My heart dipped a bit and I bit my lip.

"Well, I just like grew up around my brother and his friends and they were just awful, and my ex-boyfriend, he was a jock, and um, he was just like them." I said while shaking my head.

"We're not all like that, you know." He reasoned.

"I know, I'm just, I don't know, I just really don't wanna feel the way my ex made me feel. You know, I was actually really surprised when I found myself willingly hanging out with you. You're different. Like genuinely different." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"See? Im the perfect example of how not all of us are the same."

"Yeah, that's why I don't consider you a jock. To me, jocks are mean,selfish, degrading, they just make you feel like trash. But you? You're like, the exact opposite." We smiled at at eachother while making inconsistent eye contact. I felt myself leaning in and I saw him leaning in too.

We were only inches away from eachother when the door swung open, causing us to jump back. We saw Gwen walking into the room with a mountain of snacks.

"Gwen! How much did you spend?" I asked in disbelief.

"The machine malfunctioned! There's still more! Adams making sure no one takes them!" She ran out the door closing it behind her. I let out the breath I was holding and looked at guy who's face was bright red.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out. "I don't know why I did that I just- I was- and you- I'm just- yeah I'm sorry." I was out of breath from trying to form the right words to explain why I just did what I did.

"No it's okay." He chuckled.

"It's not you. It's me. Really. It's just too soon- we just met- and- Y'know- we don't really know eachother that well and- I'm just - I don't know." I bit down on my nail and looked at him sheepishly then looked away

"It's okay." He laughed. "We don't have to move that fast."

"I'm so embarrassed." I threw my hands over my face as I felt it heat up.

"Don't be." He said genuinely. "Seriously. It's not embarrassing." I smiled at him then let out a breath. Eventually our conversation got back on track, but that moment just kept replaying over and over. And over again. And suddenly, I was rethinking my whole life.

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