"You know, Germaine...you're not half bad."

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The last half of the day came fairly quickly, and it was time for study hall. I walked in and sat with Guy who was looking down at his homework with a distorted face. He seemed distressed and confused, and if you know me, I'll always help a damsel in distress.

"Hey, need some help?" He looked up at me.

He sighed in defeat, "Yeah." I smiled at him and looked at his paper.

"Oh this is so easy,you're just doing it completely wrong, kid."

"Who are you calling 'kid'?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me as I chuckled.

"You, doofus." I took the pencil from his hand and went on to show him how to do the work correctly. And he immediately understood.

"You are a miracle worker." He smiled thankfully at me and I returned the favour. He finished his work then turned to me, "Hey, wanna get out of here?"

"Duh. Let's go." I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of the classroom. We walked together to the ice rink, once again. We got our skates on and went out on the ice.

While we were skating I lost my balance and fell hard and hit my head. I laid on the ground and writhed in pain for a few moments.

As soon as Guy saw, he sped over to me and kneeled next to me.

"Tarynn, are you okay?" He asked frantically while slipping his hand under my neck.

"Ow, I'm okay." He stood up and held out his hand for me to grab. I slipped my hand into his and he pulled me up and helped me off the ice.

"Maybe it's time to go." He suggested.

"You're probably right." I agreed as I placed my hand on the back of my head.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm good." I replied while walking out of the rink. I lied. I was so dizzy. I felt like I was going to fall. I stumbled beside Guy while we walked down the hallway. "Hey,can we Uhm...stop for like a second?"

"Yeah." He looked over at me as I was about to fall to the ground. I felt my body go partially limp as my vision became blurred. I knew I was going to fall but there was nothing I could do about it. Before I dropped to the floor I felt someone grab my arms to help keep me balanced. I blinked slowly as my vision slowly came back to me and the feeling in my body started to creep back my legs as I regained my balance. "Hey, let me help you to you're room,okay?"

I nodded as he put his arm around me to make sure I wouldn't fall again and he helped me to my dorm. It was quite a long walk to the dorm but I didn't remembered half of it. All I remembered was Guy helping me to my bed. I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket over my body and Guy walked to the door.

"Hey, thanks for helping me." I smiled softly at the boy.

"Yeah no problem." He smiled back.

"You know,Germaine...you're not half bad."

Pink crept onto his face as he smiled sheepishly. "I've been saying that, Holland" he chuckled then walked out and quietly closed the door. I laid in bed seriously rethinking some of my principals. God,but I'd never let Gwen know that. Lord knows she would never let me live it down.

3rd person POV:

Guy closed the door gently and made his way down the hallway where he ran into Gwen and Adam.

"Guy, what are you doing coming from my dorm?" Gwen asked suspiciously while furrowing her eyebrows. Then, she gasped. "Oh my gosh! Did you guys like- " Guy stopped her before she said anything else.

"Okay..you've clearly never met Tarynn if you think she would ever. But no, we snuck into the ice rink and she fell and hit her head so I helped her back to her dorm. No biggie." He shrugged his shoulders.

"What a gentleman." Gwen patted his shoulder then made her way into her dorm.

"She went skating with you?" Adam asked in disbelief.

"What? Is that hard to believe?" Guy asked while hitting Adams arm.

"Well, yeah kinda. Gwen says Tarynn hates jocks. Something about her ex being an asshole of a jock."He explained to the blonde boy.

"Well, she just told me I'm not half bad. I don't think she sees me as a jock."

"Whatever you say, man. Just don't get hurt." Adam shrugged his shoulders at Guy.

"No dude.There's something different about her. I don't know what it is but it's there." He said confidently. Adam brushed off what his friend had said and just kept walking. "Y'know Gwen likes you,right?"

"What are you talking about?" Adam questioned.

"Come on. You can't be that clueless. She is always flirting with you,man."

"Really?" He asked as he cracked a smile.

"Yes,really. Use that big brain of yours and show some interest." Guy teased. Adam looked down at the ground as he smiled as the blush crept onto his face. Guy looked at him and shook his head while laughing.

Tarynns POV:

"Are you serious!?" Gwen asked in disbelief while walking into the room as she smiled from ear to ear.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. My head was still pounding and the yelling did not make it any better.

"You went on a skate date with Guy and didn't tell me??" She exclaimed.

"It wasn't a date. We just got bored in study hall." I said while pulling the blanket back over my body.

"Right. Not a date. Even though he walked you home? What a gentleman!"

"He only walked me home because I was literally about to pass out. It wasn't a date. And you know my rule." I argued.

"Yeah I do know your rule, but do you?" She asked smiling big.

"Of course I know my rule. It's my rule."

"Sure. It's your rule but are you really even following it?" She questioned.

"What? I am following it. We're not dating."

"Yet!" She smiled innocently as I just sighed in defeat. And that right there was why I would never tell her how I really feel.

Her Rules| Mighty Ducks Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now