Chapter 25 - The Devil has trapped her

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Warmth spread across my body as Callahan said those words. While we waited, the lift came down and the doors were opened.

We hopped in it. As it was still early, there was hardly any crowd. Only three people beside us stepped in as I took the furthest corner. Callahan noticed that I went away and there was one man between us.

I maybe can't run away but I could at least keep my distance.

I moved my eyes toward Callahan and saw he raised a brow as if asking me if I was sure. I knew he read my thoughts. He took it as a challenge.

He leaned on the lift walls as mischief danced on his eyes. The corners of his lip twitched and I knew he was trying to do something.

My eyes moved around and then I saw the man between us suddenly started to twitch his nose as if it was itching. He took out his handkerchief and tried to maintain his posture but he couldn't stop the incoming sneeze.

A sneezing sound resonated inside the lift as his gluey substance from his nose flew out to the lady before him and got stuck on her blonde hair. I gasped.

The lady looked behind and the poor man apologized immediately. "I-I am sorry. I must have caught a cold."

The lady felt something was on her hair as she reached out to it and as soon as her palm touched it, her face twisted. She looked at her hand and immediately her gagging reflex shot up. The other man, without wasting any time, clicked the button on the nearest floor as the lift halted. However, the lady vomited on that man as the man's suit bathed in her morning meals.

All three of them ran toward the washroom as soon as the lift doors opened and now we were the only ones who left in the lift. I saw the scenes unfolding before me with a wide gap in my mouth.

My eyes moved toward him as they narrowed to the slit. "Why did you do that to them?!"

"Don't challenge me then." He said as he tilted down his head to me.

"I wasn't!"

"Then why did you intentionally go over there?"

"Because you were sprouting weird things." I tapped my foot.

"By weird things mean me being hard?"

"Shut up!"

He grinned and added, "Anyways, I didn't make them flee because of the childish challenge."

"Then what?"

"I haven't done a specific thing that I should do everyday while I play your perfect boyfriend."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked warily.

He sighed as he stood straight and neared me. I stepped back as he held my chin up and crashed his lips on mine. Before he did that, I couldn't make a move or think and now as his lips moved my hands and feet suddenly got their own brains as they didn't want to push him away.

My lips moved with him and as the lift halted at our floor, he pulled away saying, "The good luck kiss that I need to give you everyday before going to office. I forgot today but since you don't like people watching us kissing, I thought the lift would be the best place."

I stayed there with wide eyes and red cheeks as he left once the doors opened. My heart went bonkers as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Why would he do that to me? He was going to be the death of me someday if this continued.

My hands slowly reached my lips as I could still feel his warmth on them and butterflies flattered in my stomach. He was just playing with me! Did he know that I had feelings for him? I bet he knew and was doing all of these to tease me. I couldn't let that happen.

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