18+ Sexually Explicit, Angst, Smut,Fluff, Heartbreak, Action, Kidnapping etc.
You have been warned, this is roller coaster of a story so buckle up buttercup!
Loki slowly trudges into his brother's apartment. He glances around, thanking the Norns he never took up Thor's offer to live with him. Loki is a clean and organized person whereas Thor is definitely not. Thor seems to be almost hoarder-like, keeping random human things he finds fascinating. He also seems to forget that while on Midgard, he does not have chamber maids coming in to clean and pick up after him. Loki quietly looks for some sort of small space available to sit on Thor's massively clothing covered couch.
"Oh let me move some things brother, I just learned how to do laundry and have been sorting out my clothes. It's fascinating to watch it spin around and around in the bubbles" Thor states as he tries to move aside the clothing for them to sit down.
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Loki is not too surprised that a washing machine could fascinate his big oaf of a brother.
"Now, let's get down to the reason for your visit. What has transpired between you and your lady love brother?'' Thor asks quietly beside Loki.
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"I have fucked up my life again, by making a grievous mistake. My relationship as of late, has been quite sad as we never have any time together. When I am away on missions, she is home alone. When I am home, she is away at work till all hours of the night. We haven't had any time together in months. It's like we are roommates instead of lovers. Ships passing in the night so to speak." Loki tries to fight back more tears as he explains his heartbreak the best way he can for Thor to understand it.
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