Chapter 28

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"Mother! How? What? How did you get here without anyone noticing? Come in!" Loki blurts out quickly as he ushers his mother in the room and helps her take a seat on the couch.

"Mother, this is a most wondrous surprise! How did you arrive without alerting anyone? This place is supposed to have the utmost security" Thor smiles as he and Loki take their seats on her sides, as they have since they were children.

"Ah my sons, I have missed you! You should be none surprised by this. A mother has her ways. You seem to have forgotten just who I am. It's not just Odin who is powerful, I am the Allmother you know" she laughs as she reaches out to hold both of their hands in her lap, as she has always done.

Frigga knew the moment Thor had spoken of her to Loki about asking for her assistance. She knew what had occurred and what was to come, and could not stand by watching from afar. Whenever her children needed her, she would be there, Odin's wishes be damned if they must. She would not sit idle while her youngest was suffering any longer. She knew she already failed him once, not saving him from Thanos when he fell from the bridge. She was so blinded by her grief she never did what she could to see if he survived the fall. Frigga would never forgive herself for that, such is a Mother's pain to hold too.

She always did what she could to not let the lack of attention from Odin show through. Odin loved Loki as he loved Thor, he just didn't know how to show it. He didn't know how to connect with his youngest son, as he did his oldest. Thor being so much like himself, always ready for battle. Loki was so much more like her, and she loved that the most. He did not need to be born from her body, because he was born from her heart. The moment she held him in her arms, Frigga knew she would love him like no other, and would die to protect him as she would Thor. Now her son needed her, and she would not fail again.

"Yes, we know that all too well. Yet, why have you come? I know you must have seen what's happened, and while I am glad of your presence, I can not let you become involved in this. It's much too dangerous, I already have one woman I love in danger, I could not risk you as well, Mother." Loki shakes his head in sadness yet his heart soars being in her presence again. His mother was always the brightest light in his world, before you. He always knew no matter what happened that as long as she was there, he would be safe, he would be okay.

"Mother, does Father know you have come? I can not imagine he would be too pleased with you leaving Asgard, as it is not safe for a Queen to travel unaccompanied

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"Mother, does Father know you have come? I can not imagine he would be too pleased with you leaving Asgard, as it is not safe for a Queen to travel unaccompanied." Thor asked as he just enjoyed being in her company once again. He tries his best to travel home for her often but he can not go as often as he wished.

 He tries his best to travel home for her often but he can not go as often as he wished

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