18+ Sexually Explicit, Angst, Smut,Fluff, Heartbreak, Action, Kidnapping etc.
You have been warned, this is roller coaster of a story so buckle up buttercup!
You didn't see Sylvie for the next three days. Some guards brought you scraps of food and water throughout the day. Their eyes carried a weird green mist in them. No matter what you tried to say to them, none responded. They must be her puppets, you think to yourself. More enchanted soldiers doing her bidding. She definitely isn't working alone. Even with the amount of days to process everything she told you, you still had trouble understanding it all. You knew Loki seemed to carry many heavy burdens upon his shoulders, and you have spent a majority of your time helping him sort through them, letting him realize he wasn't alone. You can definitely understand her pain at the betrayal but you feel like maybe it was fated to happen in order for you both to create your soul bond. At least that's how it worked for you and your Loki.
You have pondered over the last few days the sad fates of your other selves. Your heart breaks for them as you know they didn't deserve their broken loves. Everyone deserves love and happiness! You know Sylvie sees her actions as justified, if harsh and uncouth. Yet none of that was an excuse to literally travel throughout the universes and destroy every chance at happiness you could share. Although the thought that Loki was truly your destiny made your heart happy.
Just how long were you gonna be here, you wonder. Did Loki and the team have no real leads for 4 days now? For heaven's sake they are Avengers! This is what they do! Well, you had to admit NO ONE saw this shit coming, that's for sure. Not like you weren't also terrified of her threat as she stormed away a few days ago.
Can she really find a way to break the bond you share with Loki? No way, you think to yourself. Not without killing you or both of you, you think. As the worry fills you, you feel Loki counter it once again through the bond. You have felt him continuously since the moment you awoke in your cell. Every negative emotion that builds in you, you can feel him make an effort to counter. When you feel his build you do your best to send comfort to him as well. Thank the Norns for it too, because you think you would truly lose it, if you felt completely alone down here. You rub your hand over Loki's name as you smile. Feeling connected to him in such a way was the biggest and smallest comfort you received right now.
You wonder what Loki is doing right this moment. Thoughts of him are the only thing you can do to keep yourself calm. You tried pondering over everything you learned from Sylvie desperate to wrap your mind around it all, and find a way out of this mess. There has to be a way to show her the truth, to make her see. Death and revenge was no way to live out your life, whether you believe it to be a noble sacrifice or not. It wasn't, and it never would be. Those other timelines are innocent and yet have paid the ultimate price, and for what?! For falling in love? All of this is so ridiculous you think to yourself. Just madness!
You pause as you hear movement coming down the dingy hallway from your cell. You hear a familiar set of stomping heeled boots. Footsteps that stride with business and determination. Finally, maybe you can use this to persuade her against her mission.
"Hello again, mortal" Sylvie sneers at you from the doorway of the hall.
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