Chapter 16

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     You wake up a few hours later, as you can slightly see faint sunlight through your curtains. You look up at Loki's beautifully serene face. He has shifted back to his usual form in his sleep. His soft even breathing lets you know he is still peacefully asleep. You grin up at him, as you feel your heart so complete at being back within his embrace once more. You slowly bring your hand up and softly trace your name on his chest.

      You blush at the sheer happiness it brings you that he had so willingly accepted it, completing every one of your requests

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      You blush at the sheer happiness it brings you that he had so willingly accepted it, completing every one of your requests. You feel so possessive of him that it shocks you. You were never one to be very possessive of any lovers before, but you figure that was because none of them were meant to be yours. You know how possessive and jealous Loki is, as there have been moments it would rear its head when he felt someone was trying to take you from him.

     You always secretly loved it and found it completely sexy that he made sure to let everyone know you were his. Now with your names forever etched on one another, it was just further proof. You saw the satisfaction on his face and the desire in his eyes when he set sight on his name upon your chest. His claim to you is forever marked and visible for all to see. It didn't bother you in the least.

     You weren't ever really one for tattoos, especially the taboo of tattooing a lover's name on your body, having heard MANY stories of regret and cover ups from broken relationships. Yet, you knew you would never regret this. It wasn't just a tattoo, it was a symbol of your oaths of commitment and faith in your love to each other for the rest of your days.

The magic imbued in it felt so surreal on you, you felt it within your very being, like you now carried an actual connection, a piece of Loki with you wherever you may be. You could strangely feel him within you, feel his emotions as well as your own. It was such an overwhelming experience, and one you would always cherish.

Loki begins to wake up as he feels your delicate hand tracing his chest. He grins as he slowly opens his eyes to look down at you. "Hello love, admiring your handiwork I see" Loki smiles at you as his hand joins yours upon his chest.

     "You're not too upset I see, marking such a perfect specimen such as yourself" you giggle as you look in his eyes

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     "You're not too upset I see, marking such a perfect specimen such as yourself" you giggle as you look in his eyes.

     "I am far from upset darling, I am honored to carry such a symbol over my heart. Now I carry a piece of you with me, and our soul bond has us forever tied together." Loki explains to you as he pulls you further up his chest to kiss your forehead.

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