Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Loki had felt it, the very moment you were taken. Never in his millenia of existence had he felt something so completely terrifying, and then moved to utter rage the moment he knew something was wrong. The team had come rushing to his side when they heard his ear piercing scream of rage and agony. Thor had arrived first, being closest to him, as he caught Loki in his arms when he slumped forward. He didn't remember losing consciousness for a few moments, as he felt his brother's arm pull him in tight searching for a wound that was not visible. It took Loki mere seconds to stand quickly and relay to everyone what he felt, and that you were in immediate danger. Tony took one look at everyone's shock as they all immediately moved to the QuinJet. Tony used Jarvis to get in touch with Fury and Happy to send someone immediately over to Loki's apartment.

No one said a word, as they rested and mentally prepared for news on you. Thor desperately tried reassuring his brother to no avail that it must have been a mistake. Loki was completely quiet and sat tensely in his seat, his eyes glowing red in absolute rage, even surprising the team themselves. Thor had told them he had never seen this kind of rage in his brother, so much so that his Jotunn side was fighting to emerge. He explained that Loki's Jotunn side was ready to protect and defend his mate. The team is uneasy, fearing he would snap on everyone yet they are all desperate to help you and him in any way they can. Twenty minutes after Tony's call in, Happy calls back confirming their fears, and what Loki felt to be true. You were gone. He scanned onto the video screen to show the footage of the apartment.

The crushed flowers and broken glass covering the floor, yet no sign of a forced entry though. Tony scanned security footage showing a disguised flower delivery girl entering the building and knocking on the door. They witness the flowers shoved into your face as the intruder forced their way inside once you opened the door. The surprising thing was they walked right through Loki's wards. Everyone knew the complicated spells of protection he casted on the whole building, let alone the apartment itself. The most damning evidence of all is that it never shows them leaving. No footage from any street camera or building security footage outside, absolutely nothing. Like you had vanished once they reached you.

Loki uttered one word in response when the team erupted in a flurry of questions and suggestions on how to move forward finding you. Magic.....the only word Loki said. Thor looks at his brother and furrows his brows. Tony begins having Jarvis scan the image against all of Shields' databases hoping the image of the female's body would line up with any footage. As the team tries to come up with some sort of way forward as the jet races home, Loki stays completely still in his seat, eyes forward, face twisted in rage, his hands balled tightly in his lap never uttering a word to anyone. Thor knows his brother is internalizing it all as he usually does, and worries for when Loki will let it all blow out. He knows you have to be okay, you have too, because if you weren't, all the realms would feel Loki's rage as he ripped every single one apart.

His beloved has been missing exactly 24 hours, as Loki walks through the building of your apartment. As he emerges into your shared apartment Loki sends out his magic to scan the building without feeling any tampering, surprisingly and the spells still in place. He moves inside the middle of the living room, as he shuts the door behind him, examining the surrounding area. Loki sends out his magic once more as a green glow illuminates where your body had landed on the floor and the image prints of someone's knees beside you, no other images or outlines appear showing there was no further movement from either of you inside the apartment which meant one thing. Teleportation. Whoever took his princess teleported them both from the room. The one thing Loki can not seem to place is whatever magic this person contained had no signature as his was the only one he found.

 The one thing Loki can not seem to place is whatever magic this person contained had no signature as his was the only one he found

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