Chapter 8

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     You had made it back to the city in what seemed like record time. You were still quite nervous to walk back into your apartment. You wondered to yourself if it would forever be tainted by what occurred. No, you refused to let one more instant of hurt or pain get to you this way. You have become stronger over the years, and you won't let these things slide by anymore.

        You pull into your parking space, realizing Loki's jaguar is still parked in the adjoining space belonging to your shared suite.

    "He must have teleported to Thor's then'' you say to yourself.

     You gather all your fighting courage and hop out of the car to stroll into the elevator.

     You slowly put your key into the lock, suddenly overcome with anxiety once again. You shake off your nerves and shut your jaw tight. No, you will not let this have power over you any more. Being with Loki these past years has made you value yourself in a whole new way, and you were gonna be the strong, fierce bitch you knew you were inside.

     You walk into the darkness of the living room and shut the door behind you.

     "Atleast, he hasn't seemed to come back here yet either" you softly whisper to yourself.

     You walk into the kitchen, and are welcomed with the stench of spoiled food.

   "Eww, what the hell? Oh yea, shit."

    You quickly grab a trash bag and bag up the spoiled restaurant take out that it seems was left behind by both you and Loki's swift exits.

     Once you finish wiping up and spraying the kitchen clean, you make your way down the hallway to your dreaded bedroom. You know you won't handle it well walking back in there but you had to rip that band aid off sometime right? Better to get it over and done. You take one last deep breath, and push the door open quickly. You stand right back in the spot you did before, yet are welcomed with an unexpected sight.

     Gone is the mattress that you purchased with him 4 months ago. All that's left is the headboard and metal frame.

     "Did Loki clear it out on his own?" you wonder.

     You are suddenly grateful to him, for ridding the apartment of the one piece of furniture you knew you would never want to touch again.

     You strip off your clothes and head into your master bath to wash away your travels. The cabin never did have the best water pressure, let alone hot water. You bask in the warmth of the water as you wash your hair. You slowly pick up Loki's shampoo bottle sitting next to yours. Slowly lifting the lid to your nose and inhaling the tea tree oil and mint. It was like a balm to your nerves. You close your eyes and remember all the times you would shower together and slowly massage this into his beautiful black curls as he let out small sighs of bliss along with moans of pleasure. He always loves when you play with his hair. You place the bottle back down, and finish rinsing yourself off. You will have more showers with him like that once again, you would make damn sure you did.

     You quickly dry off and slip into a clean pair of panties and bra. You walk into your shared walk-in closet, grab a pair of jean shorts and snag one of Loki's soft cotton v-neck t-shirts he loves so much. Feeling immersed in his scent once again has calmed you immensely.

      You walk back out to the kitchen to see if you need to do a grocery run before you make your way to the tower to finally set things up with Loki. You're greeted with very little of anything in your refrigerator so you make yourself a quick shopping list and order it all curbside, as you didn't want to spend your day walking all over the grocery store when you had other things to attend to. You open up your laptop and type out a quick email to your boss, asking to extend your three days off too next week citing a family emergency. She quickly responded with a 'no problem, see you next week' message.

     You take a deep breath and text Thor a quick message, making sure they weren't away on a mission currently as you were going to stop by and have a chat with Loki. Thor surprisingly responded quickly with a, yes they were there at his suite and to come soon. He would leave once you arrived to give you both privacy. You sent a quick, ok, thanks and proceeded to leave your apartment and get in the car.

       You make your way to the Avengers Tower, many thoughts seeming to cross your mind at once. Did everyone there know what happened? Would Loki talk to them all about you? You hoped not, as you didn't wanna be even more embarrassed then you already were. Would Loki even wanna see you after you went radio silent on him for three days? Well even if he didn't, that was just too damn bad. He was gonna hear what you had to say whether he liked it or not. You didn't wanna go in and just start shouting, because that never solved anything.

     Shit just look at your parents, none of their shouting matches helped save their marriage, and you would be damned if you let that happen to you and Loki. No! You saw your parents' mistakes, and vowed to do the exact opposite of what they did. You would make this work, you would let Loki repent for his misdeeds against you. This happened because we both lost track of what was most important in life, each other, the family you made together.

     You pull up to Avenger Tower, and glance up at the enormous building Stark setup. Originally, it was built for his company, but after the battle of New York he had it remodeled to help house and form the Avengers. You walk in through the big double glass doors and walk through security. Once you and Loki had become official, Tony gave you a special access badge so you could enter the residential floors of the building. You scan your ID once more in the elevator as you hear Jarvis overhead.

      "Good afternoon, Miss Y/N, what floor do you need?"

     "Thor's residential floor, please number 36" you stated softly.

     "Right away mam, have a good day." Jarvis responded promptly.

     You don't have to wait long before you hear the familiar ding of the door and set out onto Thor's residential floor. Each Avenger had their own dedicated floor for their personal use. Thor's floor resembled what you assumed was his chamber in Asgard. Everything was big in size, and rich in color. His royal colors, as explained to you, on the first visit you went with Loki. His colors were red and gold, and Loki's were green, black, and gold.  His room was filled with sunlight from the floor to ceiling windows he loved so much. Thor loved looking outside at the city around him as it reminded him of home in Asgard.

      You walk forward to knock on his door, suddenly hit with your nerves all over again. Your palms start getting sweaty, and you feel slightly light headed. Were you ready to confront him? Would you be strong enough to say what you needed too? You didn't want him to feel like he was going to get off easy, you planned on making him repent quite thoroughly indeed. Would Loki ever forgive himself was the real question. He is quite the brooder. He loved to beat himself up over even the most minute things. Would you both be able to get your relationship back on track? Shaking out all your inner thoughts, you take a deep breath in and lightly knock on Thor's door, praying he was the one to answer first.

 Would you both be able to get your relationship back on track? Shaking out all your inner thoughts, you take a deep breath in and lightly knock on Thor's door, praying he was the one to answer first

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