Chapter 29

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As you sit, on your cot attempting to read the newest book brought to you, your mind wanders, the pages forgotten. It's been four days since your last visit with Sylvie. You really hoped it was because she had no real luck with her little "mission". Things were seeming to be off, because the guards you usually saw have become less and less. Only seeing the same one each day, bringing your meals and clothing. You wondered if it had to do with the Avengers getting closer to your location. Every day when you woke, you hoped it was the day they came for you. That Loki came for you. If your tally marks on the concrete wall meant anything, it has been ten days since you have been gone. Ten days since you have seen the sun, or received fresh air in your lungs.

 Ten days since you have seen the sun, or received fresh air in your lungs

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Never have you longed to go outside as much as you have now. You knew things must be getting close, if Loki's emotions were any sort of clue. His hopefulness and anticipation has grown leaps and bounds these last days. You also had a strange parental surge of love go through the bond. You guessed that he must have gone to his mother in Asgard or was thinking of her. You knew damn well, it wasn't for Odin. It was strange how you could tell the immediate difference of the love itself. The first moment you felt it, your heart quickly jumped into a jealousy sting, till you felt the emotion filter through your body from him. It wasn't the consuming love you felt flow through when he was obviously thinking of you, this love was different. Similar to the way it was when he was with Thor but different and deeper. It was comforting, warm, and safe. You knew the only one Loki felt that way with other than you, was his mother. You smiled to yourself, thankful she was there for him with Thor since you could not be.

Even if you were stuck alone down here in the dinky, musty basement cell, at least he was surrounded by his loved ones. You knew Loki was strong and never wanted anyone to think otherwise, but his emotions ran deeper than anyone knew. He would need the support, so his rage would not overcome him like it once did. You laugh as you feel excitement and eagerness pulse through his name into you. Hm...what is that about? Had they made headway in finding you?! You hoped and prayed it was that! You were so ready to be with him again and for this all to be behind you. Your stomach is so sour these past days off and on again from the stress. The lack of sunlight has had you feeling weak and tired most of the time.

Worry ate at you, as well. You did not want any of this to end in bloodshed. You didn't want Loki or anyone to hurt Sylvie. She has been through so much pain, and can not be blamed for her rash actions. She truly meant to be a savior of sorts to her other selves. Now though she claims to want to save you as well. Her mind wasn't in the right place, you knew, but her heart was. She needed saving just as much as you did. You just hoped that when the time came you could save her before anything got out of hand.

You aren't sure how long you had stared off into nothingness when you heard those telltale boot steps once again. You move to stand up and make your way to the front of your cell as Sylvie rounds the doorway. She definitely looks worse for wear. Her hair is messy, eyes dark and tired. Her skin is even paler looking than before, which for a Loki is definitely telling. She has been over using her magic, you could tell. Loki would look similar after draining himself of his magic too much. She has been busy, and it was taking its toll on her. No wonder with enchanting so many soldiers, and more then likely shielding your location, along with whatever spells she was working on to remove the bond.

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