Chapter 12

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As you place the soothing balm back inside the nightstand, you decide on your next form of punishment. This one would definitely be more taboo, but within reason. It's time he got a taste of what you felt that day, in your own way of delivering it. You would never go and make him watch you with some random stranger. Loki had truly ruined you for all other men. No, you definitely plan on him having to watch you with someone else, except you won't need to be PHYSICALLY bringing anyone in.

"Stand up, pet and place yourself back against the front wall" you order Loki into position.

Loki slowly but promptly removes himself from the side of the bed and moves himself against the wall facing your bed.

"Hands above your head boy, spread your feet apart slightly as well" you say in your most strict tone.

Loki places his hands above his head slightly apart and does the same with his feet. He grins internally to himself as this is a position he has placed you in many times. He is rather giddy to see what you plan next. His bum is still slightly sore from the paddle, but the cool wall feels like a relief in itself.

"Now my dear, here is where the punishment begins. You are going to magically chain yourself,hands and feet, exactly as you are now to the wall, good and tight so there is no escape. You are to use the Asgardian chains, you kept so you can not break through them. You are not allowed to magic them away until I say so, is that understood, my loyal subject?"

" Yes Mistress" Loki says softly and with a quick flash of green, he is now bound in leather cuffs and you see chains attached to each end that go into the wall itself.

"Good boy, now for the last part, you are to send out a clone, but not just any clone, a physical one. I want you to send out your clone and then alter his appearance to my specifications." You say slyly as you walk closer to Loki, close enough to brush your body against his.

You feel him try to arch out to make full contact with yours.

" Yes, Mistress. Who if I may ask, are you wanting me to make him look like if not myself?" Loki is quite intrigued with your request and is trying to ascertain just where you are going with this punishment.

"Oh my dear you shall see..." You all but whisper in his ear as you lean in closer to him. You see Loki shiver in anticipation of what's to come.

Loki waves his hand and in a shimmer of green fog his clone appears. He kneels before you dressed in a simple white button up dress shirt, and black trousers awaiting further instruction.

"Now my pet, for the punishment part, I want you to make him take the form of someone I know you don't particularly care are to make him have the appearance and form of.....Tom Hiddleston." You say with a cat-like grin on your face.

You know exactly how Loki feels about this particular actor. Everyone compares them, telling Loki how they have such a remarkable resemblance. He HATES it, but you know he also secretly finds him attractive as Loki can be quite egotistical about his own sex appeal. To see someone that looks like him, but is not truly himself, touching you, kissing you, tasting you, will drive him to the brink and that is EXACTLY what you are going for.

"WHAT! You can not be serious, Mistress!" Loki is quickly and completely taken aback by your request.

It would be enough watching his clone be with you when he, himself, was not allowed too but this! Make his clone look like Tom! A man he is constantly compared to, which drives him insane as that mortal could never be like him! A God! Now he sees just how well thought out you made his punishments. This would be absolute torture in the worst and admittingly hottest ways. Loki knew that you also held the knowledge of his secret attraction to the actor, as Loki of course found himself attractive, it wasn't hard to find Tom attractive as well. After all, he did seem to take after Loki's looks. Watching you with someone that looked closely to him but wasn't him, was such a spectacular plan that he had to admire you even more so now.

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