Chapter 15

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     Loki gives you a salacious grin, as he looks down at you. He knows EXACTLY where his Mistress is going with this, and the monster in him purrs in excitement.

     "My mistress, are saying you would like the monster to come out to play?" Loki gives you a toothy grin as he looks deep into your eyes, burning with excitement and lust just like his.

     "You are NEVER to speak that way about my mate!" You growl out at Loki, you hate when he talks about himself in such a way.

     You sit up and lightly slap his cheek as punishment for degrading himself that way.

     "I would very much love to have my Jotunn mate come out to play with me now. He needs to be reclaimed as well, I believe. I have missed that delicious Jotunn cock." You grin at Loki, and sit back as you watch him slowly stand from the bed.

     "As always, Mistress, your wish is my wish too" Loki states as he begins to release his Aesir form.

     You would never get tired of seeing him take his true form. It was erotic and mind blowing all at once. Loki begins to feel his inner Jotunn come forward as his body shifts. He grows in height and muscle mass. Feeling his body temperature drop, he looks down at his hands as his skin turns an azure blue and his white markings appear.

     Loki stretches his neck as he uses his magic to make his new collar adjust along with him

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     Loki stretches his neck as he uses his magic to make his new collar adjust along with him. He stands before you now in his full form. He lets his Jotunn instincts and feelings come over him. Grinning as you still see your name marked upon even his Jotunn skin, in a beautiful bright white that stands out greatly against his azure skin. He kneels down on the floor next to the bed. When kneeling he is face to face with you. Luckily your apartment had the 14 foot ceilings as he still had to duck when he took his full form inside. Being a 12 foot tall Jotunn on Earth had its difficulties.

     "How can I be of service, my beautiful Mate and Mistress? I have missed you" Loki's blood red eyes stare at you in his submission

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     "How can I be of service, my beautiful Mate and Mistress? I have missed you" Loki's blood red eyes stare at you in his submission.

     The Jotunn in him wants nothing more than to take his mate and dominate you, as his nature demands.

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