Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

You aren't quite sure how long you have been out for, as you feel yourself laying on a cold concrete floor, of that you could tell. You groan as you roll onto your back, and slowly open your eyes. You could definitely tell you weren't anywhere you recognized.

The light above you was dull, and reminded you of some sort of mortuary light. Definitely not welcoming. You slowly make your way to sit up, as you take a look around you. Scanning your surrounding area, you see you're in some sort of cell with bars. Mostly likely underground, by the dank musty smell of the air around you. Thankful that you had seemed to only sustain some small cuts and bruises from the flower attack, as you take in your bodily injuries.

Thankful for small blessings, I guess, you think to yourself. You see a small cot against the wall and a toilet in the corner. What am I in? A prison? You try and sort your thoughts as you try to keep the fear at bay knowing it will bleed into Loki. Oh man! Loki!!! As soon as your brain registers his name, your body is flooded with the most intense emotions you have ever felt, the rage and fear feeling like it will choke you. You grasp your chest as you try to right your own feelings as your head swims, you do your best to send calm to him, even though you felt anything but calm. You can't let him be consumed by his emotions, you refuse to let him have his darkness take over once again. You knew he was worried, but he had to feel you were alive right? Even if the circumstances weren't great, he had to feel it. This doesn't surprise you in the least, being kidnapped. You're engaged to a God, at that an Avenger. You knew this would happen eventually as you were at risk the moment you agreed to be his .At least they didn't kill you right away, so there's a small bright note. They must wanna use you for leverage.

Nat had given you mild lessons in self defense along with Steve, lessons Loki knew nothing of, as he refused to entertain the thought of him not being there to protect you when you would need it. You knew deep down that if he did, he would never have let himself grow close to you in fear of losing you. He had to be assured you would always be safe, that no one could touch you. What surprised you most was the wards that he placed on the apartment and the building itself, not working. Loki had casted spell after spell to prevent anyone with ill intentions from making their way through the building let alone the doorway.

So what happened? How did they get past Loki's wards? You knew this must have planned and thought out well, as it happened to be while he was away, and far away at that. Too far for teleporting even. Did they figure that in? Your mind races as you try to remain calm, remembering what you learned from Natasha and Steve. Number one rule when taken: Do what you must to stay alive until help arrives. So you take in your space and listen to what you hear. You try your best to flush out Loki's emotions with your own so you're not completely overwhelmed. Wishing you had any sort of magic to help siphon it just so you could think properly. You move to stand, and make your way to sit on the cot, you don't need to end up getting sick from the cold ground. Thankful for your casual attire of jeans and a t- shirt, you weren't as exposed as you would have been in a dress per say.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?!" you shout as you see if any response comes back your way from down the dark hallway. Your cell seems to be the only one here. You hope and pray Loki finds you quickly. You glance down at your ring, as tears slowly make their way into your eyes, you fail to hold back your growing fear and sadness. Things had been going so well, why now? Could you never get a break?! Work had finally become controlled and organized once you hired your sweet assistant, Anna. She helped filter so much of the nonsense that you could focus on the novels you really wanted to pick up and publish through the company. You were working normal 8 hours a day and were finally having proper time with Loki. Tony even helped make sure he had more available time for you as you both planned your upcoming wedding ceremony. Oh shit!!!! The wedding is in two weeks, and there is still so much to do! Well, it won't be happening now, well at least for now, you hope. Your tears begin to fall at the recognition that your wedding to your love was being ruined before it even had the chance to happen. You couldn't let it be messed up! No! You and Loki have been through too much to let this mess things up! You refused to let this stupid interuption ruin it!

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