18+ Sexually Explicit, Angst, Smut,Fluff, Heartbreak, Action, Kidnapping etc.
You have been warned, this is roller coaster of a story so buckle up buttercup!
Loki was pacing his suite in the tower, as his mind whirled with thoughts. Four days. It has been four, agonizing days since you have been gone. He has not slept. He has not ate. How can he, when he knows you are gone? He has spent all his time with his fellow sorcerer and witch working on the blood locator spell. Loki glances down at his hand, looking at the faint silver scar that scores his palm from the constant reopening of the wound. He feels drained from the overuse of his magic. Strange and Wanda are not in much better states than he, as they have worked around the clock for days. Vision, Wong and Thor force them to rest now to replenish themselves, as they are no good to anyone if they are too weak to fight when the time comes. Yet, Loki can not rest. He can't sleep without your warm body wrapped around him. The only thing he can do is pace, his mind not even able to lose itself in the pages of a good book, as it once was.
The only semblance of peace he received was feeling you through the bond. Loki rubbed his hand over his chest, as he has many times these last few days. The closest thing he has to feeling you right now. If it weren't for the bond granting the ability to feel you, he knows he would have truly gone mad by now. He was trying to understand why their spell wasn't picking up on this Sylvie. It would seem to be working as it rolled over a map Tony designed with Mobius and then as soon as it began hovering over any one area, it would vanish.
According to the TVA expert, she was using the tempad at those times, removing herself from this existence altogether. If only she would stay long enough for the spell to pinpoint her, it would be of some use. It only lasted long enough to give a general vicinity of where you could possibly be with her. Although the landmass of Norway wasn't something easily searched, and being an entire other country didn't exactly make that simple in any regard. Were you truly so far away from him, yet right here inside his heart, he thought. As Loki plopped down onto his couch, leaning his head back, spreading out his long legs before him, he received a knock on his door.
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"Thor is outside sir, requesting entry. Shall I open the door for him" Jarvis alerted.
Once before, when Loki had just arrived here, he wasn't even granted permission to choose if Thor had access to his quarters or not thanks to Tony's rules. Thankfully that has since changed with his redemption, as Thor was never good with knocking and walked in on several moments of privacy he should not have.
"Yes, you may" Loki responded as he rubbed his tired eyes with his hands.
The door swung open as Thor bounded inside carrying several boxes of what seemed to be pizza in his hands, and a rather large jar of what Loki could only guess as Asgardian mead. Not what he needed at the moment, yet knowing his brother was just trying his best in his own way.
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