Chapter 31

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Sylvie drags you down the darkening hallway to a huge metal doorway. The closer you get to the door, the colder the air around it becomes. Why was it colder here, then in your open cell? She pauses quickly, yanking the heavy looking door open with ease. She begins jogging into the freezing open space. You don't even have time to be afraid, as you are in complete shock of your surroundings. You were encased in ice! All around you were walls of glittering bluish ice! What the hell?! You had thought the whole time you were underground somewhere. What is this place? You can hear the sound of explosions getting louder, echoing in the vibrating ice.

"What is this place? It's freezing here! Where are we?" you shout as you attempt to pull your arm out of her strong grip.

You try to halt to a stop, wanting her to explain just where she had taken you. Sylvie pauses and looks at you, not letting her grip lighten. She waves her empty hand over you, as a heavy coat covers your body and snow pants wrap your legs. Even heavy boots now grace your once sock covered feet.

"We are in an old hideout bunker run by the corrupt mortal group Hydra. It has been abandoned since the end of your World War. It's a cavern they created inside a glacier and mountain side. Your cell was spelled to remain at a certain temperature acceptable for prisoners. We are in the land of Norse mythology my dear. The mortals that worshiped Gods such as myself, and Thor long ago. Before you were convinced of your "singular" omniscient being. Now hurry, we must make it through the open cavern, before those morons collapse us in ice!" Sylvie pulls you along once more, making you both dash through the open area.

Very little was actually in this area. Save a few tables with books, and what seems to be maps scattered across them and some chairs. Was this where she spent most of her time? The stone floor with one wall, solid mountain and the rest surrounding ice? You would be fascinated if you weren't so pissed off that you got stuck in four solid rock walls when this at least was prettier to look at. She pulls you towards another metal door inside the rock wall on the other side of the room. You glance back at another strong boom, as you flinch seeing the cracks form in the walls of ice around you. Making your legs move even faster, terrified of being buried under ice and rubble before you could even attempt an escape. Once through the door, she slams it shut, waving her hand over it as it encases inside a green fog.

"Can't you just teleport us out?! Wouldn't that be faster?" you shout, as Sylvie pauses and wrenches open another metal door, not bothering with an answer.

You move into what seems to be a break room? There's a small kitchenette and several empty cots. Was this where the soldiers all slept when they weren't attending you? She hurries you along, through door after door. Room after room. You feel so disoriented, not knowing if you're moving deeper into or out of this place. Finally you begin ascending a winding set of stairs. At least now you know you're moving upwards.

"Hurry pet, we must not be here should the buffoons collapse the cavern! I need to get you out of here safely. Once we reach the high ground, I can perform the incantation, and free you. I will avoid battling anyone as much as I can. I won't let you get hurt, I promise, darling." Sylvie smiles at you as she continues holding your hand pulling you behind her.

You are exhausted, as this is the most you have moved since your capture. You weren't in any kind of physical shape to begin with. You didn't exercise like Loki did, and you had a desk job for heaven's sake! You are not cut out for this! Your legs felt like they were on fire, and your lungs just as much. Another minute more, and you were gonna just die on the steps, forget getting out at all. The adrenaline had only gotten you so far before your body felt the effects of the efforts to keep up with a Goddess.

"Sylvie! You have to stop! I can't keep going! I can hardly breathe, let alone move. I'm gonna collapse, if you keep this up. I haven't moved this much in days, remember?!"

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