Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Time seemed to pass in a blur and yet not at all. You did what you could to keep up with the days. As far as you could tell it had been an additional two days since you last spoke with Sylvie. Your conditions have improved though, which was surprising. When you awoke the morning after your conversation with her, you suddenly had a shower stall and bathing products in your cell opposite the corner toilet. You also received a daily change of clothes each morning, which you were more than thankful for too. Your food had changed up as well. No longer were you getting meager scraps of food and water. Now you had what seemed almost well balanced meals, and received tea or coffee with them. That must be some sort of positive note right? Why improve anything if you were just going to be killed in the end. Maybe what you said to her was sinking in? You could only hope you were opening her heart somewhat.

You did have a slight bright spot in your morning when you awoke from quite a spicy dream of your missing love. Your mind reminiscing on the last night you made love before his mission overseas. He was so sweet and passionate with you. You always loved how Loki took his time when he made love to you. He never left a single piece of you untouched, and unmarked. He always said he worshiped your body with his own. His cool skin, against your warmth was such a tantalizing experience every time. Yes, your little dream was such a wonderful escape from this dreary cell.

You cried a little when you awoke realizing you were not in your shared bed wrapped safely in his embrace again. How you missed just being in his arms. They always made you feel like nothing in the world could touch you when he was wrapped around you like that. Your entire being ached desperately for him, and you knew he ached the same for you. Lately, you have been feeling more reassurance and hope coming from him so that must be a good sign.

You move to begin your day, or night as you had no window to be sure of, but assumed your body was staying on some sort of regular time schedule. You move to take a shower, as you turn on the water and begin removing your clothes. No need to worry for privacy as you were the only one down here, and if there were cameras, which you didn't see any, you doubt Sylvie would allow someone to record you in that state anyway. You sigh as the hot water hits your skin and you begin cleaning up. You never realized how much the simple action of bathing and being clean changed your mood. Once finished you quickly dried off and changed your clothes. You dropped them in the little basket the enchanted soldiers brought you. As if on cue you heard footsteps coming down the hallway and the clink of your breakfast tray.

"Good morning! Oh, I wasn't expecting you, thank you" you say as you are astonished to see none other than Sylvie herself bringing your food.

As she sends your tray through the latch opening for you, she summons her usual seat as she watches you smile and move to the cot to sit.

"Yes, well, I figured I should check on my prisoner. You may think me cruel for my actions, which is fine. I am many things, and a killer on top of it all but one thing I will never do, is be a torturer. I have been on the receiving end of that and have vowed to never become such. I don't believe in enduring a violent punishment just to die in the end any way. I grant most a quick death, depending on who it is. So you do not think I shall come down here to whip you and what not as long as you cause no trouble. So far you have not, which I must commend. I would have thought by now you would have hit a breaking point, yet here you stand smiling and even greeting your captors happily. You are a strange one mortal. Not quite like your other versions at all." Sylvie tells you as she takes you in once more.

" Sylvie tells you as she takes you in once more

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