Chapter 35

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"So you must be Y/N, it's wonderful to finally meet the woman who saved my son" Frigga moves forward coming from behind Loki, making her way in front of you.

She was every inch the queen you expected her to be. Loki had told you about his mother many times, and even his stories did not do her justice. The kindness and warmth that radiated from her was almost magical. You smile at her as you move from Loki's hold and into her open arms. As she wraps her arms around you, feeling a warm tingling sensation consume you. Like slowly sinking into a warm bath after a long, hard day.

"Hello, your majesty. It is an honor to finally meet you" you utter out in her embrace. She squeezes you one last time, and then releases you to hold you back as both her hands lay upon your shoulders.

"The honor is truly mine, my dear, and please call me Frigga. Or even Mother, for you are now just as much my child as Loki is" she laughs as she moves to embrace her son beside you.

"Hello, Mother. Thank you for staying. Can you please check over my beloved to assure her health is well please." Loki hugs his mother back, and quickly pulls you back into his arms when he releases her.

"Of course, my son. Come, this way my dear." she begins to guide you to the back area of the tent towards a small cot, and thin curtained screen.

Loki begins guiding you back when Frigga turns to put up her hand.

"Now son, you can leave her with me. Let us have some female time. Go find your brother and friends. Assure them everything is over now and all shall be well." she motions for Loki to take his leave.

"Mother, I just got her back, I can not leave her side. Please." Loki begs his mother, even though he knows that look on her face well. She will not budge to his plea.

"Do you doubt I would keep her safe, Loki? She is well and fine in my care, my son. Now go and find your brother to make arrangements for your journey home." Frigga smiles as she shakes her head at her son. They never learn.

"Of course not! I did not mean to insinuate that at all. I's.....well...alright then Mother you win. I shall go find Thor and the others to arrange travel back. I shall only be gone momentarily, darling. You are safe here." He kisses your forehead as you smile at his behavior. You knew there was no way around a Mother's wishes. Especially the Queen Mothers.

"It's ok, honey. Your mother can give me a look over, even though I've told you I'm fine, but I know you won't drop it till I do. Go to everyone and set up what you need too so we can go home. I'm very eager to get back. If I remember correctly, we do have a wedding to finish arranging do we not?" you smile as you hug him, hoping to distract his thoughts and worries.

"We absolutely do! The sooner the better, darling. No more waiting" Loki grins as he agrees, and kisses your temple as he moves to leave you with his mother.

Loki walks out and closes the flap as Frigga guides you to the cot to sit, as she takes a seat in front of you.

"Ok my dear. Please lay back for me, hands to your sides. This won't hurt a bit. I'm sure you felt my magic check you earlier when we embraced. This shall feel the same, and won't take but a moment. I just want to confirm your health, is that alright?" she asks as she moves to stand over you.

You nod your head yes as you move into the position she requested. You can feel her magic wash over you again, and it feels like it instantly erases all of the tension in your body, giving you an almost buzzed feeling after a couple glasses of wine without the swimming head. You sigh as you feel like you just left the spa after a weekend getaway. Damn, this magic is handy. Even Loki's healing magic wasn't as relaxing. He wasn't kidding when he said she was the best.

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