18+ Sexually Explicit, Angst, Smut,Fluff, Heartbreak, Action, Kidnapping etc.
You have been warned, this is roller coaster of a story so buckle up buttercup!
"Sylvie?" you question as you stare at the woman before you. She looks like Loki but isn't Loki. What in the hell is going on here?!
"Yes, my name is Sylvie, but I am also Loki. I am a Loki from another timeline, and I have made it my mission to save every version of me from every version of you" Sylvie explains as she moves back and summons a chair before her and takes a seat in front of your cell, amused by your utter confusion.
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"Another timeline? Like another universe? What do you mean other versions of me. What could they have possibly done to you, I love Loki!?" you move back and take a seat on the cot once more.
"Yes and no. Timeline, or Universe however you would like to describe it are in essence the same thing. In each one it seems there is a version of you and a version of me, mostly your female variants and my male counterparts. You are no good for us, and I won't let any other Loki be betrayed by you! Once I killed He Who Remains at the end of time, I knew what I had to do next. I saw the creation of the Multiverse expand and twist, I saw multiple versions of us branch out into existence once the "sacred timeline" was no more. Seeing that, I made it my mission to go to each and every one to make sure every version of me never had the chance to be destroyed by their variants of you because unfortunately we are destined to meet in EVERY. SINGLE. ONE." she shakes her head as she looks down at her hands twisting in her lap.
"What happened to us, to you? I would never hurt my Loki, I love him, he is everything to me." you ask as you also confess your heart to her hoping she can hear the truth and sincerity in your words.
"What happened?! I'll tell you EXACTLY what you did, and what every version of our so-called "relationship" is doomed to! You, my Y/N, who's name was William, betrayed me, as Loki did you, just as everyone else has in my life! When he begged me to forgive his indiscretion, I could not. I could never forgive him! After everything I told him about my life, after putting my faith in him, trust in him, in a mortal, he took my heart and ripped it apart. So I paid him in kind, and ripped his heart from his chest as I crushed it in my hands. After that, as I stared at his body, an orange doorway appeared and I was taken by some weird agents called the TVA. They held me prisoner for acting out of the "sacred timeline". Apparently I wasn't supposed to kill William, I was to forgive him! Can you believe that?! Some random people who believe it their duty to keep watch over time itself, tell me that I didn't do as I was foretold to do! As if I have no freewill or feelings at all!" She stands once again in anger and begins to pace, as she screams out at the end of her long winded explanation with a burst of green flames shooting out from her hands.
"So what did you do then?" you ask hoping to keep her talking to figure out how she came to be here and what she was going to do.
"I stole a tempad and escaped into apocalypse timelines, where no matter what I did, they did not branch out which would not alert the TVA of my presence there. I waited and plotted, then I began ambushing them and stealing their time reset devices. Amassing as many as I could. Once I had plenty, I set them around the TVA to watch it explode, but I was pruned before I could finish the job. Once I woke up in the "void" I enchanted Alioth with the help of other pruned Loki's and found He Who Remains there, the head of it all, and killed him" She smiles proud of herself it seems.