𝟎𝟎𝟓: 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦.

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The following 2 days Saylor spent 24/7 with Tyler and Barry

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The following 2 days Saylor spent 24/7 with Tyler and Barry. Topper would come round when he had finished school at the kook academy and would bring back junk food for the group to feast on as they binge watched Euphoria.

Her memories were coming back thick and fast now that Rafe was out of the way and not continuing to corrupt her brain with false information.

Dizzy spells, she was constantly having dizzy spells.

Despite being happy she was remembering her freinds and family she was drained. Her brain was always active and working in over drive, it was exhausting.

Rafe and Ward were returning back from their business trip the next day and they were all dreading it.

Saylor had become heavily dependent on the 3 boys and didn't want her progress to slip.

Currently she was sat with her head rested in Tyler's lap and legs drawn over Topper as Barry dealt with a client outside.

"Everything is gonna be alright, you know that right" Topper rubbed his hand up and down her ankle reassuringly.

Saylor let out a sigh before replying. "I know, it's just. How long do I have to keep pretending I don't know what he's done? When can I go back home" her eyes started filling with tears. "I miss them" a single tear fell from her brown eye.

Tyler was quick to cup her cheek and brush it away. "I know it's hard right now, but you've got us. We're not going anywhere"

"Damn straight!" Barry called now joining them in the trailer. "If I'm a bear, your like my little cub or some shit"

"Damn Barry, better calm down otherwise people might think you have a heart" Tyler joked and the long haired man rolled his eyes.

"Oh I'm the softie?" Barry raised his eyebrow nodding at the teen who was running his hand through the brunettes hair as she laid on his lap.

"I never claimed not to be"

"Let's be honest, I have you all wrapped around my finger" The Routledge girl smirked playfully.

"At this point I'm not even going to try and deny it" Topper agreed.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

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