𝟎𝟏𝟓: 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝.

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The Pogues spent that night celebrating and making up for lost time

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The Pogues spent that night celebrating and making up for lost time. JJ and Saylor were practically joint at the hip both not wanting to leave the others side.

It was now the next day and Saylor had woken up snuggled up into the side of her blonde haired blue eyed boy with his arm draped around her waist.

She took a moment to just observe him, she took in every feature of his face, from his dimples to the small scars. He was truly mesmerising.

"Your staring" JJs morning voice broke through the calm silence.

"I'm admiring" Saylor corrected before leaning back down into his chest as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. "I wish we could stay like this forever"

JJ smiled feeling content. All those nights of longing for her and she was finally with him. Safe and in his arms. "I don't plan on letting you go... ever"

"Good" The brunette replied kissing the button of his nose making him scrunch up his face.

He then flipped them over so he was hovering ontop of her before leaning down and planting kisses all over her face causing her to chuckle.

"Jay, that tickles" She giggled which only encourage him further.


Eventually the two separated whilst Saylor was getting ready for the day JJ had walked outside a beer in his hand.

"John B, wanna shot gun one in the name
of freedom" He asked as John B walked past him and into the chateau but he ignored him. "Sarah, you wanna -"

"No!" Sarah cut him of walking away from the hammock.

JJ shrugged opening the can and as he did the liquid sprayed all over his face causing him to pull his lips into a tight line.

Saylor then came running out of the Chateau grabbing JJs hands and pulling him to the shed Pope and Kie were in.

"P, P! I just got a call from Guffy, somethings happened to Pops" She revealed slightly out of breath.

Pope then began running to the van the others behind him to where John B and Sarah were already waiting.


Once they arrived at Heywards store they were greeted with Heyward in a blood stained shirt causing them all to gasp.

Sarah then went back into the Twinkie and grabbed the first aid kit so she could clean and bandage the cut on his forehead.

The shock on the group of teens faces didn't compare to the look of disbelief on the injured mans. "Where in the lords name have you been?!" He questioned in a fatherly tone stepping forward to pull Saylor into a hug. "You had us worrying sick!"

"Hey Pops" Saylor chuckled into his chest.

"Don't hey pops me" he pulled back out from the hug. "Don't you ever do that again" he whacked her shoulder playfully making them all laugh.

Sarah then returned with the first aid kit and handed it to Saylor.

"Nuh uh" Heyward grabbed the brunette by her shoulders and started walking her over to the store. "There's someone you need to talk to" he said speaking about his wife.

"But your he-"

"Don't you argue with me, go now! Shoo, shoo" Heyward pushed her through the doorway taking the first aid kit out of her hand and passing it back to the Cameron girl.

"Okay, okay. I'm going" Saylor held her hands up in defence before waking her way through the shop to find Mrs Heyward.

And once she had found her the woman's jaw dropped to the floor the same way the grocery bags in her hand did. "Saylor, my baby. Your home"


"S! We're leaving" Pope called through the shop after finishing up the conversation with his father.

Saylor said a quick goodbye to the woman who was more of a mother than her own before making her way back to the dock.

The second the group saw the Routledge girl they all burst out laughing, including Heyward.

"What?" Saylor asked confused.

Kie pulled out a pocket mirror and handed it over so that Saylor could have a look. When she looked at herself she understood why they were laughing and began to join in.

Bright purple lipstick stains stood proudly on both cheeks and the centre of her forehead.

"She got you good kid" Heyward patted her shoulder before making his way inside.

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