𝟎𝟎𝟖: 𝐇𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫.

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That night Saylor slept in her shared bed with Rafe Cameron despite Barry, Tyler and herself insisting it was safest she stayed at Barry's

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That night Saylor slept in her shared bed with Rafe Cameron despite Barry, Tyler and herself insisting it was safest she stayed at Barry's.

Their reasoning was that the first place the Pogues would look is the Cameron mansion and they wouldn't dare go back to Barry's but Rafe refused the let the girl out of his sight.

Through out the night Saylor would wake up screaming as intense flashbacks of the day at the airstrip filled her head.

Rafe would pull her into him and whisper comforting words to try and ease her back to sleep, completely unaware he was the cause of the nightmares.

It was now the morning and the eldest Cameron decided to go back out on his hunt to find his sister but this time he left his girl in the hands of the only person he truly trusted... Wheezie.

Saylor and Wheezie had grown incredibly close during the 2 months they had spent together.

Obviously the short curly haired girl missed her older sister but with Saylor around the hole in her heart seamed to heal. Honestly, Saylor spent more time with her than her real sister ever did.


"Guys, don't tie up. Stop it!" JJ yelled as himself, John B and Sarah saw Kie and Pope pull up at the dock.

"What?" Kie asked confused as to why they were leaving the second they got there.

"We're dipping." JJ announced helping John b get Sarah into the boat as she gripped her bullet wound.

"Wait, why?" "What? What are you talking about?"

"What happened last night?" The blonde asked the pair as John B pushed the boat from the dock.

"We slept on the break. What's up?" Pope responded.

"Slept, right. Yeah." JJ patted him on his shoulder.

"Rafe knows we're here, so we have to leave, like, now." The Routledge boy informed. "And he has Saylor"

Pope and Kies faces morphed into confusion and shock.

"S? She's here?" Pope asked slowly his voice hesitant.

"Yeah, but somethings wrong" John B couldn't hide the concern for his sister any longer. He needed her safe.

"She was losing her shit dude, it was like a panic attack on steroids." JJ ran a hand through his hair stressed. Seeing the girl he loved so distressed and not being able to help was killing him. "She was with Barry and this other dude" he clenched his jaw.

"Do we know this 'other dude?'" Kiara questioned.

"Never seen him"

Eventually they pulled up on a grass verge on the outskirts of town and had spent the past 5 minutes bickering about what they should do.

"I have an idea." Sarah stepped forward and everyone focused their attention on her. "With me back, my dad's going to have to choose between me and Rafe."

"Sarah-" John B sighed.

"He's gonna choose me." The Cameron defended confidently.

"Just please listen. Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah. He won't agree after all that's happened." The shaggy haired brunette didn't want to upset her but he had no faith in her plan.

"No. I... I know it sounds crazy"

"Yeah, it does." He nodded.

"But he's my dad. And I know him, and I know he loves me. I'm just asking for two hours." She pleaded.

"Ok, but I'm coming with" JJ hoped of the tree branch he was sat on.

"Nope, not happening" John B pushed his best friend down by his shoulders.

"What?! He has Saylor!"

"Don't you think I know that?!" John B snapped. "That's my sister JJ! My twin!"

"And that's my girlfriend!"

"It's safest for her if Sarah goes, they won't hide her from Sarah. The second a Pogue shows up they will hide her! They have done it for 2 months why would they let you see her now?!"

"He's right J" Pope nodded. "It's safest for S this way"

Within minutes they were watching Sarahs silhouette get smaller as she sailed towards the large house she once called home in figure eight.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

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