𝟎𝟐𝟓: 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧.

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Saylor and Barry were sat across from eachother playing a round of headbands in the drug dealers run down trailer

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Saylor and Barry were sat across from eachother playing a round of headbands in the drug dealers run down trailer.

It was only a few days since she last saw him but she missed him. Plus she wanted a break from the cross hunt, don't get her wrong she wanted to find it for Pope. But part of her was hesitant considering how the last treasure hunt ended.

"Am I Ryan Evans?" The long haired man asked with a roll of his eyes.

Saylor nodded excitedly. "Yes, yes you are"

"We agreed no more High School Musical characters!" Barry huffed leaning back into his chair with his arms crossed. "I have been the whole cast at this point"

The Routledge girl shrugged not seeing a problem with it before asking her next question. "So I'm not a human, I'm purple and from a film?" She recapped to which Barry nodded. "Am I a fish?"


"Am I Dory?!" Saylor exclaimed everything now clicking into place.

"You got it!" He leant over and gave her a high five.

"Was that a memory loss joke?" The brunette raised her eyebrows.

"Too soon?" He responded.

"Way too soon" She joked back shaking her head making them both laugh.

As she pulled the post it note of her forehead and placed it on the coffee table the sound of car doors slamming shut made her jump. "You said no one was coming to collect today?"

"Their not" Barry responded moving quickly from his seat to look out the window.

2 unknown men were making their way towards the trailer with weapons in both of their hands.

Quickly spinning on his heels he grabbed Saylor by her shoulders and pushed her into one of the back rooms. "Stay in there and don't come out!" He ordered sternly.

"Why? What's happening?" Saylor panicked as she tried to look over his shoulder. "Who is it?"

"Stay in there. No matter what you hear or see, promise me you will stay in there" Barry seemed scared and it was something the brunette girl had never seen before.

"I-I promise" She nodded hesitantly.

Barry placed a kiss on her forehead before closing the door behind him as he left.

There was a loud bang as the door of the trailer smashed into the cabinet beside it.

Saylor couldn't hear exactly what was being said but she knew that it wasn't exactly a 'how's your day been' kind of conversation. After 5 minutes of only listening to arguing and what sounded like things smashing she pulled the door open slightly so that she could peer through the gap.

Her breath got caught in her throat at the sight of a tall bearded man holding a blade at the drug dealers throat.

Her eyes met Barrys' as he was looking at the direction of the door. His brown eyes looking so deep into her own she felt as if she could actually feel his touch. Whilst her eyes held nothing but sheer panic his were calm, almost relaxed.

Mouthing a silent "I love you" towards his little sister Barry closed his eyes as he felt the cold blade slide across the skin of his neck before it was quickly replaced by the warm feeling of blood as it ran down his skin.

Saylor let out a small cry and stumbled back with her hand over her mouth. As she stepped back she knocked a shoe box full of poker tokens on the floor which made a loud noise as each chip hit the wooden titles.

Her eyes quickly darted to the door, the sound of foot steps getting closer alerted her that the men who had just sliced Barry's throat were nearing.

"Now, what do we have here." One of the men taunted grabbing her arm and harshly pulling her from the room.

"No! Get of me!" Saylor screamed desperately trying to get out of his grip.

The man threw her onto the ground causing her to hit her head on the floor as she face planted the wood. She groaned in pain as the man flipped her over so she was laid on her back rather than her stomach.

The Routledge girl let out a whimper as the barrel or a fully loaded gun was pushed against her forehead. After hearing the click of the safety being turned off a shaky breath escaped her pink lips as she braced herself.

"Don't shoot, that's the girl" The other man spoke his voice bored.

"It's your lucky day sweetheart" He smiled sickly as he pulled the gun away from her forehead. But as quickly as it left it was replaced by his fist as it smashed down between her eyes.

A high pitched ringing filled her ears and black clouds spotted her vision. Her head hung to the left and Barry's lifeless eyes were the last thing she saw before everything went quiet.

Saylor didn't fight the darkness because maybe... just maybe, when she wakes she would be with Bear.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·

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