𝟎𝟏𝟎: 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐀 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞.

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It seemed like the entire island had crammed into the court room to watch the supposed sheriff killer be convicted of his crimes

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It seemed like the entire island had crammed into the court room to watch the supposed sheriff killer be convicted of his crimes. All except the Camerons that was.

For the Camerons had a plan.

A grande entry to gain the attention of the many as they entered the court room with the defendants twin sister by their side.

Ward Cameron was to caught up in the fantasy of getting his little girl back to notice the tense atmosphere between the teen girl and her mother beside him.

Carol had picked up on the changes in her daughter the past month. How her face would falter whenever John B was mentioned or how she had been slowly distancing herself from Rafe and spending more time with Topper and  Tyler.

That's what lead to their very heated argument before they left the house. Saylor was warned not to show any signs of remembering her brother and the tip of the knife which her mother was holding discreetly into the girls side was a constant reminder of their conversation.

The courtroom was filled with lowered voices and hushed whispers as they waited for the trial to begin but it all went silent when the big door opened at the back and revealed the Cameron family.

The Pogues jaws dropped to the floor and Saylor could feel every one of there eyes watching her every move.

She wanted nothing more than to run over to them... her real family. But she couldn't.

Carol ushered her forward pushing the blade into the skin of her left hip slightly deeper. Saylor didn't even turn her head to look towards her friends. She did however lock eyes with her twin as she made her way over to her seat.

In that moment the entire world slowed for them both. There was no one in the room with them except the person they had shared a womb with. That moment was ruined the second the judge slammed her hammer onto the desk.

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty." The judge announced.

Saylors breath caught in her throat and her eyes glossed over. She hadn't even been able to speak to her brother since his 'death' and now he was being sentenced with the death penalty.

"Don't cause a scene" Carol hissed into her ear so only she could hear pushing the blade across her skin causing her to gasp.

"Your Honor, he's 17." JJ yelled in outrage as he stood from his chair.

"Stop." Pope pulled at his arm.

"He's 17! Are you kidding me?" The blonde continued. "Hey, John B, we're gonna figure it out." And he meant it, there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to let John B be sentenced do death. He already lost him once and didn't plan on doing so a second time.

"John B! John B! John B! No!" Sarah wailed moving forward but only to get stopped by an officer which pushed her back.

"Stop! Don't touch her!" Kie pushed the officer of her friend and pulled her out of the court room. "Let's go, Sarah. Let's get out of here."

"I should have never come home." Sarah spoke disheartedly as the group of Pogues made their way down the stairs of the courtroom

"They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it." JJ kicked the ground beneath his feet.

"Sorry for what you and your family have gone through." A kook Saylor knows to be named Hugh offered his condolences to Ward. "Thank God the system works."

"Can you please shut up? Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you." Kie finally snapped causing the Camerons including Saylor and Carol to halt.

Saylor couldn't hear anything from that moment as her eyes finally met the blue pair of the boy she loved.... The boy she was torn away from.

He went to move towards her but she shook her head and motioned down to where her mothers hand was on her hip and the small stain of blood that had seeped through her shirt could be seen.

Instantly he understood and clenched his jaw knowing that he couldn't get to her without her being hurt. He felt useless. Both twins were in danger and he couldn't do anything to help either of them.

Suddenly there was yelling and Pope was pulling Kie away from Shoupe causing the two to break their eye contact.

"Get out of here." Shoupe ordered to which everyone followed.

As Carol pushed her daughter forward she turned around to her blonde boy and mouthed the 3 words he had craved to hear the most "I love you"

Only this time it wasn't only Carol that saw the interaction.... It was Ward too.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

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