𝟎𝟏𝟒: 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞.

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After saying a quick see you later to Barry and Tyler the Pogues + Topper were back in the Twinkie and on their way home

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After saying a quick see you later to Barry and Tyler the Pogues + Topper were back in the Twinkie and on their way home.

Saylor was sat in her designated spot in the back with the largest smile on her face. A smile so big her cheeks were aching but she wouldn't let it slip.

Every so often she would pinch her thigh to make sure that she wasn't dreaming or she would send a discrete look to Topper to which he would nod his head.

Once they arrived at the Chateau Pope and JJ both held out their hand to the girl and she gladly accepted taking a hand in each of her own.

"Welcome Home" John B beamed as he opened the back to of the Twinkie.

"Home" Saylor nodded stepping out of the van her fingers interlocked with her boys.

Topper was stood awkwardly a few feet away feeling out of place rubbing the back of his neck.

Saylor was quick to notice and walked over to him wrapping her arms around his torso to which he responded quickly by resting his head on hers.

"We did it" she spoke into his chest.

"Yeah we did" he whispered kissing the crown of her head.

Saylor pulled back slightly to look up at him, nothing but pure appreciation in her eyes. "Thank you"

Topper just smiled back at her. He didn't feel as though he needed thanking, if anything he felt as if he should be thanking her. She made him realise he was allowed to be his own person and she was his escape from his toxic family.

Suddenly the brunette girl pouted and let out a huff of air causing him to look at her confused. "I missed movie night"

"Yeah you did" Topper pushed her away playfully before wiggling a finger in her face. "Never again!"

"Promise" She stuck out her pinky to which he rolled his eyes before wrapping his own around.

Pinky promises were something she had done allot the last 2 months, some people may say it's immature but to Saylor they were something special. Something she had sworn to never break.

After seeing that the Pogue group were all watching their interaction the kook cleared his throat and said his goodbyes before making his way down the dock and into his boat.

As he sailed away both Saylor and Sarah waved him off which made a smile appear on his face.

Saylor and Sarah were the most important people in his life, the only people he ever actually loved and the only people he believed loved him.

The two girls then turned to each other speaking in synch "I'm sorry" causing them to laugh.

"I'm sorry for what my family put you through, you didn't deserve that" Sarah apologised her voice genuine.

"It's not your fault, you can't choose family... well not the blood related ones" Saylor replied looking over at the group who were watching the two. "I'm sorry for being a bitch before, I kinda have this whole fight the stereotype thing going on and I was to quick to judge you"

"Friends?" Sarah asked sticking out her hand.

"You married my brother, we're sisters" Saylor pushed the Cameron girls arm down before pulling her into a hug.

Sarah looked over the brunettes shoulder at the others with a bewildered face but they all seemed pretty shocked themselves. Never the less she hugged the Routledge girl back.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" JJ whispered to John B through the side of his lip.

John B just slowly nodded his head with a smile on his face.

All he wanted was for the two to get along, he didn't want to feel like he had to choose between them or that he was upsetting one of them. So as he watched his other half embrace the girl he loved his heart felt full.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·

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