𝟎𝟑𝟖: 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩.

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Within seconds Rose was rushing the three out of the room and down the hall to the 'tween forward hull' whatever the fuck that is

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Within seconds Rose was rushing the three out of the room and down the hall to the 'tween forward hull' whatever the fuck that is.

"What's happening?" Wheezie asked with one hand holding Saylors and the other holding her brothers.

"Nothing to worry about Sweetie" Rose replied not even glancing back as she walked ahead of the 3.

Rafe and Saylor shared a knowing look over the top of Wheezies head, both silently agreeing there was no way they were going into the hull.

When they reached the hull which was now crowded with sweaty ship workers Saylor and Rafe pulled their hands out of the younger girls which caught her attention.

"We are gonna go see what's wrong." Rafe explained pulling the Routledge girl to stand beside him.

"I'm coming with you." Wheezie tried to argue.

"No Wheeze, you need to stay here. We will be back I promise." Saylor reasoned her voice soft and sincere.

"Promise?" Wheezie held out her pinkie finger.

"Promise." Saylor nodded wrapping her pinkie around her little sisters.

Both girls turned to look at Rafe expectantly to which he rolled his eyes playfully before wrapping his pointer finger around their two interlinked ones.

The youngest girl looked down at the puzzle of fingers and smiled to herself, she trusted them not to break that promise.

Wheezie then distracted Rose so that the two teens could walk away without her noticing they weren't in the hull with them.

"So what now?" Saylor asked as she looked up at the taller boy.

"We find our parents." Rafe replied taking her hand in his and pulling her back in the direction of the room they were originally in before Sarah woke up.

Half way through their journey back a voice called out to the pair causing them to halt.

"Saylor, Rafe!" Carol called from the corridor across from them. When she saw she had their attention she carried on. "Rafe your father needs you in the engine room."

Like always Rafe nodded obediently at the order. Anything to please his father.

"Saylor I need your help in here." Carol then motioned to the room behind her.

Rafe was hesitant to leave the girl with her mother because he still didn't trust her but the second he saw the smile on the brunettes face he caved.

She was so happy simply because her mother wanted her to spend time with her, she wanted her help.

It's actually very sad how such a small interaction such as needing help bought the girl so much joy.

"Yeah, okay." Saylor smiled walking towards her mother.

"Hey, if you need me. Scream." Rafe told her his voice low enough for only Saylor to hear as he grabbed her by the arm.

"Will do." She nodded pulling away.

Carol stood to the side to let Saylor in the room first before following quickly after and shutting the door behind them.

Saylors heart rate instantly spiked when she saw it wasn't just her and her mother in the room.

There was a tall scruffy bearded man stood only a foot away with an angry expression on his face.

"What's going on? What did you need help with?" Saylor questioned trying not to let her anxiety show.

She was just being paranoid, her mother wouldn't hurt her, her mother loved her, she heard it with her own ears.

"You just couldn't listen could you?" Carol asked rhetorically her voice condescending.

"Wh-what? I don't understand."

"We gave you a chance, all you had to do was listen." Carol sneered moving closer to her daughter. "But you didn't, you never do... because your selfish. Always have been and always will be."

Saylor began shaking her head rapidly as tears balanced dangerously close to falling in her water line. It was exactly like being back on the mainland.

"You helped sneak your brother and his friends onto the ship didn't you."

Saylor continued to shake her head, technically she wasn't lying. She didn't help them get anywhere. In fact she barley remembers getting on the ship herself.

"Your lying Saylor. Stop lying." Carol taunted.

"I'm not lying mom, I'm not." Saylor cried.

Carol roughly grabbed Saylors cheeks pushing them together harsh enough for bruises to form as if they were dimples.

"I will not let you ruin this for me you brat." The red haired woman spat before making eye contact with the man in the room.

Carols hand then moved to cover Saylors mouth as the man grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back before wrapping them tightly in rope.

Saylor began thrashing around trying to break free but she was overpowered by her mother and the man as they worked together to tie her feet.

The sound of tape ripping caused Saylor to stop squirming as she watched the unknown man hand over the strip to her mother.

Carol removed her hand from Saylors mouth and smiled sickly down at her restrained daughter.

"Mom, please." Saylor begged tears streaming down her face as her mother lowered the tape. "I'm sorry, please, mom. I love you."

The sticky tape then silenced the brunette girl as it sealed her mouth shut.

Saylor continued crying as the man threw her body over his shoulder. Every time she wiggled to try and escape the rope would burn her skin and his grip would become tighter. So tight she thought her ribs would crack.

Cold air hit her face as they arrived at the top of the ship.

Saylor looked across the deck and that's when she saw Rafe looking out to sea with a gun held firm in his grip.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

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