𝟎𝟑𝟎: 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐛.

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It's fair to assume that Saylor had pressed on every inch of the church walls on the very small chance there was indeed a secret button

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It's fair to assume that Saylor had pressed on every inch of the church walls on the very small chance there was indeed a secret button.... There wasn't

So she now sat slumped against one of the church pews sitting in a very unladylike manner that she was certain her mother would have punished her for as she cursed the wasps that had retreated back into their nest. "Stupid wasps, why couldn't you just mind you own business huh? I mean what did Pope ever do to you?"

When the wasps didn't reply Saylor took that as a sign she had won the argument. "Yeah that's what I thought" she taunted.

Her dispute with the wasps was cut short when the church door opened making a loud screeching noise. "Oh that was quick, you still breathing Po-" she commented as she stood to her feet but her mouth fell shut at the sight of the 3 people that were in the church with her.

"Hey Princess" Rafe smiled sweetly.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Don't play dumb, you know exactly why we are here" Renfield retorted taking large strides over to the cross.

Saylor cut him of by standing defensively in front of the golden cross that was laid on the wooden floor. "No, that cross isn't yours to take. It belongs to Pope"

"Get out of my way" Renfield warned his eyes narrowed.

"S, please don't make us do this" Tyler pleaded not wanting her to get hurt.

When the Routledge girl didn't move Renfield lifted his hand and used 2 of his fingers to motion the others to grab her.

Rafe was the first to listen to the order and Tyler followed hesitantly after him.

Within seconds Rafes arms were wrapped around her waist as he hoisted her into the air, Sarah's phone which she still had in her pocket from earlier fell to the floor in the process. "RAFE! NO!" she screamed thrashing around in his arms hitting at him to try and get him to let her go. "STOP! LET ME GO!"

Rafe ignored her pleas and carried her out of the church and into his truck whilst Tyler and Renfield began moving the cross to the van.

He shoved her into the passenger seat and managed to secure her seatbelt despite her fighting back. A clicking sound filled her ears and her stomach fell in realisation.

She was locked in.

"Rafe... please" She began to beg and a glimmer of hope sparked when he leant closer to her from the drivers seat, his eyes soft.

The spark of hope then got snuffed out when he placed a peice of cloth over her mouth. A scent she recognised from the day of the airstrip filled her nose and she shook her head gently pleading.

"It's okay" Rafe mouthed knowing the chemicals had already killed her hearing before she finally blacked out. He then placed a kiss on her forehead and moved hair behind her ear before repeating the same 2 words out loud. "It's okay."


Meanwhile the rest of her friends were stuck in the stolen Carrera family car as a very high Pope drove recklessly to the church.

"Uh, Pope, you're driving pretty fast." Sarah expressed her concern as Pope drove down the road.

Pope responded by cheering causing the Cameron to groan.

"Pope, last to judge, but I think you should slow down a little." JJ suggested from his position in the back.

"That would definitely delay our arrival to the cross. We gotta get there. S and the Cross are waiting for us" Pope explained quickly whilst pointing his finger.

"Waves and the Cross will want us to be alive when we get there Pope" John B retaliated.

"Why did we let him drive again?" Kie asked.

"Because I said i'd rip your ears off." Pope reminded them.

"He said he'd rip our ears off." Sarah nodded.

"I was joking about that, by the way" Pope giggled.

"It's a really funny joke." Kie nodded with a weary smile as she held onto the door.

"Hey, how ya feeling, buddy? How ya doing?" John B called from the back, feeling on edge at how fast they were driving.

"Uh, fantastic. I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me, but I am moving!" Pope explained with a wide grin, waving his hands in every direction.

"We couldn't tell." Kie shook her head.

"Okay, well, um, you're going really fast right now." John B tried to warn him once again.

"Yeah, really fast!" Pope yelled as he turned to look at them.

"Pope!" Sarah screamed as Pope suddenly swerved on the road.

"I don't know if you noticed, but there's these giant oak trees all along the road. They're like six inches off the road." John B explained hoping he could get through to Pope so he would either slow down or pull over.

"A car!" JJ called out seeing headlights heading in their direction.

"You don't need to pass. You don't need to pass." Kie plead as her grip on the door tightened.

Pope swerved past the truck and turned to look at his friends in the back. "What an asshole." He huffed.

"He's going the speed limit." Kie argued breathing heavily.

"We're not gonna get to the cross if we're dead, Pope!" John B spoke quickly.

"We're not gonna die. It's our divine right to get to that cross." Pope explained over his shoulder.

"Pope, look at the road!" John B hollered at him quickly as they neared the oak trees which lined the road.

Pope then turned the wheel making them spin in a circle. The 5 screamed as the truck spun, crashing into a oak tree causing the windows to break and the air bags to bags blow.

All of them groaned in discomfort as they began climbing out the car. "All good?" Pope asked.

"All good." JJ replied dusting some glass from out of his hair.

"We have to walk the rest of the way." Pope nodded his head frantically and everyone looked at him out of breath.

A large truck then passed them and that was the moment Pope met eyes with Renfield and dread bubbled in his stomach.

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