𝟎𝟏𝟗: 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.

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The agents explained their plan to the Routledge girl and Saylor would admit she was shocked to hear Barry was working with the police

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The agents explained their plan to the Routledge girl and Saylor would admit she was shocked to hear Barry was working with the police. He actively tried to avoid the cops due to his line of work but put all of that aside to put the boy who caused his little sister so much pain behind bars.

"He doesn't know you remember, he thinks you have been at Toppers the past couple of days" Barry informed her before they entered the trailer Rafe was currently hiding in.

"Great, so I'm back to playing the clueless girlfriend." Saylor huffed fed up of pretending all the time. She spent a full month acting as if she had no idea of the hideous acts the Cameron boy had committed and here she was doing it all over again.

"One last time" Barry reassured. "Then all of this will be over."

"Yeah" Saylor nodded but she couldn't help but feel as if this wasn't the end at all, but merely the begging. Pushing those negative thoughts aside she took a deep breath before following Barry into the trailer.

"Dude what took you so long-" Rafe exclaimed pacing nervously when he heard them enter the trailer. However he stopped himself once he saw the drug dealer was not alone. "Princess, what are you doing here? It's not safe." He moved over to her so he was stood in front of her.

Saylor could feel her heart hitting against her chest and the hairs stand at the back of her neck. "I'm not letting you go alone Rafe" She swallowed thickly.

"Really?" Rafe asked his voice cracking. No one ever stuck by his side before. "Your-your coming with me?" His smile pushed his cheeks to his earlobes as his eyes scanned over the girl he claimed to love.

Saylor didn't trust her voice so simply nodded in response plastering on a fake smile.

Using his thumb and pointer finger he titled her face up by her chin and placed a gentle kiss on her pink lips. "I love you" he whispered as he placed his forehead against hers

Letting out a shaky breath and pinching her eyes shut she repeated the same 3 words back to him.

"Alright love birds, let's get a move on shall we. People to see, cops to avoid." Barry clapped his hands before pulling Saylor away from the Cameron boy by her shoulders not wanting her to be with him any longer than needed.

Rafe cleared his throat as he grabbed his backpack before following the 2 others and joining them on the boat.

Barry sat at the back of the boat guiding it through the murky water of the marsh. Saylor was in middle and Rafe up front.

The brunettes nerves began to build and her caring girlfriend act began to slip as a frown took residence on her face and her hands started to shake.

Rafe noticed grabbing her hand in his and running his thumb over her knuckles. "Hey, it's ok. We're gonna be fine" he reassured. "We're gonna get out of this town and it's just gonna be us. We will get a house in the city, just like you always wanted."

Saylors heart skipped a beat at the thought. She remembered planning out their life together whilst he was visiting her on the mainland. She told him she wanted to live in the city because she was tired of being isolated all the time. She told him she wanted 3 children, a set of twins and a younger child, she didn't care for the gender. All she wanted was for her children to never be alone and to have the support system she never had.

"...Start our family. We're gonna be happy" Was what she heard as she zoned back into the conversation. "I promise" Rafe placed a kiss on her forehead a large smile on his face as he thought about the life they were gonna have together.

"That... that sounds nice." Saylor spoke her voice just above a whisper. It's true, it did sound nice but she didn't want that anymore, not with him.

She wanted to raise a family with the blonde Pogue that befriended her on a random Wednesday in 3rd grade when an older boy was pulling at her pig tails because John B was ill that day and couldn't protect her.

The blonde Pogue that kept the grass braid she made at the Crain house sandwiched between his geometry text book so that he could keep it and put it in a necklace.

The blonde Pogue that showed her what it's really like to feel loved.

"I don't particularly dislike you, Rafe. But I ain't gonna forget about how your father punked my ass or how you hurt my lil sis. It's long been due y'all pay us some respect." Barry grabbed Saylors arm as they jumped out of that boat and into the dirty green water of the marsh. "He's got a gun!" He yelled helping Saylor swim away from the boat.

"Rafe, stay where you are!" Shoupes voiced bounced of the trees as he sped around the corner in a boat full of cops. "Keep your hands where we can see them! Do not move, or we will shoot!"

Rafe turned grabbing the gun from his backpack which caused everyone to start firing towards him.

Saylor gasped feeling the wind of the bullets as they flew over her head. Barry quickly covered her body with his creating a shield.

Once they reached the police boat the drug dealer hoisted the Routledge girl up by her waist before climbing in himself. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He asked as his eyes scanned over her body.

Saylor shook her head before grabbing the attention of one of the officers. "Did you hit him? Is he ok?"

"Are you hit? We don't wanna kill you, son, but you're making it damn hard" Officer Shoupe questioned at the same time. "That pistol ain't gonna work now that it's been wet. Why don't you throw that gun on out where we can see it?"

"All right. All right." Rafe tossed the pistol to the side and it made a plopping noise as it broke through the surface of the water.

"Now, just ease on out away from the boat We'll come to you." Shoupe instructed but as per usual Rafe didn't listen and instead of easing his way out he began running as fast as he could to the bank.

"Go get him boys!" Barry Cheered as officers surrounded the Cameron from all sides.

Rafe grunted as he hit the floor but didn't put up a fight when an officer came up from behind and locked handcuffs tightly around his wrists.

As Rafe was being pushed into the back of the police car he locked eyes with the Routledge girl and she was certain the world slowed.

The pain and betrayal in his eyes was enough to make her stomach churn. She wasn't sure if it was because she held that exact look a few hours previously that she was swarming with guilt or if it was because a part of her still cared for the boy.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·

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