𝟎𝟐𝟔: 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐞.

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Groaning in pain as light flooded her vision Saylor pulled her hand to cover her eyes

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Groaning in pain as light flooded her vision Saylor pulled her hand to cover her eyes. As her hand hit her face she could smell metal making her pull her hand back confused.

Sticky red blood coated not only the skin of her palm but also down the length or her arm. Still feeling disoriented her eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

Searching her body for the source of the blood she found nothing. So who's blood was it?

That's when the pin dropped.

Pushing herself up of the ground she began searching for her brother. "Bear!" She shouted making her way into his room praying to find him sat on the bed... he wasn't. "Bear! Please!" She cried as she checked the final 2 rooms.

Walking back into the front room her eyes scanned over the floorboards which were stained red. Her outline had imprinted on the floor as the blood of the drug dealer moulded around her as she was unconscious.

Everytime she blinked she could see the blood as it fell down his neck, she could see his lifeless eyes.

Her back hit the wall as her knees buckled and she slid down onto the floor. Saylors chest heaved and sobs escaped her lips as realisation hit.

He was gone... Barry was dead.

The pain in her chest was unbearable as she clutched her shirt. It felt as if someone had hold of her heart and was squeezing it till it burst.

Barry was there for her for the two years she spent being abused by her mother, he was there for her when she came home, he was there when she lost her memory... he was always there.

And now, now he's gone.

All the pain and heartbreak she had felt morphed into anger as she remembered the last thing the 2 men had said before she passed out.

"Call Mr Cameron"

Mr Cameron...


Reaching into her back pocket Saylor called the one person she knew would know Rafes whereabouts.

"Hey Saylor...." Wheezie greeted as her voice came through the speaker.

"Where's Rafe?" Saylor asked bluntly.

"Gosh, why does everyone want to know where Rafe is...."

"Where is he?" Saylor cut of her rambling. She didn't mean to be rude to the young girl she was just so focused on getting revenge.

"Angel Oak" Wheezie sighed and Saylor nodded to herself hanging up as she left the run down trailer and made her way to Angel Oak with a pistol firmly in her grip.


Limbrey and Renfield had just left, leaving only Rafe and Tyler at the tree picking up left over equipment.

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