𝟎𝟎𝟔: 𝐈 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐍𝐨.

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Whilst Saylor was with Tyler in Barrys run down trailer the Pogues, including the supposed to be dead teens were sailing back to the island after reuniting in Charleston

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Whilst Saylor was with Tyler in Barrys run down trailer the Pogues, including the supposed to be dead teens were sailing back to the island after reuniting in Charleston.

"So, where is Waves?" John B asked desperately wanting to know the whereabouts of his twin that he missed wholeheartedly. When the 3 pogues shared a nervous look and didn't reply concern began to bubble in his stomach. "Guys? Where is my sister?!"

"We, uh. We haven't seen her since the night of the storm" Kie was the first to find her voice as the two boys still hated thinking about where the Routledge girl had gone.

"That was 2 months ago?! You haven't seen her in 2 months!" John B exclaimed stressed. "Have you looked for her? What happened?"

"Of course we have looked for her!" JJ defended slightly hurt his best friend was suggesting they didn't try find her.

"Your mom is back on the island, we think she ran away" Pope nodded reassuringly trying to convince himself and everyone else.

"Yeah... that, that makes sense" The Routledge boy agreed not wanting to think otherwise. "So we go home, clear my name and find Saylor"

"We will bring her home" Sarah said confidently wanting to help ease the tension.


Rafe had been back in the outer banks since this morning but went straight to the country club to drink.

He was so angry and tense after what had happened in Barbados he didn't want to think about it.

He also didn't want Saylor to see him like that, he was trying to be better for her. They were happy together and he didn't want to ruin that... again.

However, his plan of avoiding his girl was quickly scrapped when Kelce had informed him that his sister and Pogue boyfriend were back on the island.

Saylor was asleep when Rafe came barging into to Barry's trailer startling both the drug dealer and Carson boy who were talking about how they could get Saylor out of the Cameron house permanently.

"Where is she?" He asked his voice raised.

"She's sleeping"

Rafe let out a sigh of relief, he was terrified that John B and the Pogues had gotten to her and taken her from him even though he knew they didn't know she was even on the island the fear of losing the girl he loved out weighed his common sense.

He then explained to Barry the situation and his plan to go find his sister and the Routledge boy.

"She's not coming with us" Barry said sternly putting his foot down when it came to the safety of his little sister.

"I'm not leaving her here bro, she's not safe with him around" The Cameron boy argued not wanting to give anyone the chance to take her from him.

Tyler scoffed at his words knowing the safest place for the girl to be was with her family and the furthest away from the Cameron as possible.

"I said no" Barry's voice was low and eyes dangerous.

"And why not huh? I'm her boyfriend she loves me, I'm not going to let anything happen to her."

The two wanted to scream and tell him that he's delusional, that Saylor only 'loved' him because he had poisoned her mind with false truths. But they couldn't, they couldn't risk him finding out she was gaining her memories and couldn't risk him stopping her from seeing them.

Saylor woke up when she heard arguing and walked out of the room she had claimed as her own and into the main living area.

Her eyes widened and brain become foggy the second she saw her 'boyfriend'.

Rafe spotted the brunette girl first and a smile rose on his face. "Hey Princess, I missed you" he walked over to her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

It took her a moment to register what was happening, she had to go back to pretending she was completely and utterly in love with the boy that ruined her life.

"I missed you too" she lied pulling back from him. "Why are you arguing?"

"Sarah is alive"

Saylors heart wrenched. If Sarah's alive does that mean John B is too? She wanted to ask but she couldn't, she wasn't supposed to remember him. "She is?" She whispered.

"Yeah, we are going to bring her home. She's still trapped with that Pogue boy. He's dangerous and that is why I need you to come with me" Rafe continued his lie that Sarah was Saylors best friend who had been corrupted by the evil Pogue.

Saylor clenched her fists trying to maintain her anger at the way he was talking about her twin... her other half.

Hesitantly she agreed to go with them, she needed to know if her brother was alive and she knew Barry and Tyler would be with her the entire time.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

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