Chapter Seven

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Rev and Thompson started laundry then worked out for two hours straight. When Paige wasn't back yet, they both took showers, finished their laundry, and prepped the house to leave.

Rev hadn't expected to read the letter Brad had left her, so he was touched that she shared it with him. He was also touched by the letter. He was given a rare glimpse into Brad's heart and mind, and wasn't terribly surprised to find it was similar to how he also would have written a goodbye letter to the woman they both loved.

She pulled up around six and walked in looking like an emotional train wreck.

"Love, are you-", he started asking if she was okay, but she held an abrupt palm up to him after dropping an armload of things on the island.

"Rev, do NOT", she said quietly, voice wavering. "Are you guys ready to leave?"

He knew Paige better than he knew anyone, and he read everyone well. Therefore, he knew she was on the verge of a breakdown and she wanted to get on the road before she lost it.

"We are", Rev said. "What vehicle you wanna take?"

"Are you guys good with the Jeep?", she asked.

"Yep", he said. "Did you eat, or do-".

"Rev, please!", she said sternly, shutting her eyes. "Do what you guys need to do and let's go".

"Okay, love", he said gently. "I'll get us loaded up".

"I need to repack", she said, her voice softening but still wavering. "I might need you".

"All right then".

He reached into her purse, dug out the Jeep key, and handed it to Thompson.

"Load us up, mate", Rev told him.

Thompson silently started taking care of what needed to be done.

"Let's go, love", Rev said, taking her elbow and steering her to the stairs. She was still wearing her winter coat. He had been upstairs earlier to return the letter, and he knew why it bothered her up there. The bed hadn't been made, a towel was laying on it, and Brad's clothes and shoes were everywhere. He knew Brad had left things that way, not her. Brad was a fucking slob and being in this house was a slap in the face for her. She couldn't ignore the fact that he wasn't here. Pieces of him were everywhere, and she would have to specifically move those pieces in order to push him out of her face. It wasn't gonna happen.

"Where did you sleep when you were here before?", he asked her.

"Couch", she replied.

That made sense.

"You need anything out of this bathroom, love?"

"No, I've already got that stuff in the downstairs bathroom", she replied, staring blankly into the closet.

She was going to need guidance.

"Grab sweaters, sweatshirts, and jeans", he told her.

She did as he said, also grabbing a couple flannels.

"Shorts and tank tops so we don't need to stop back here again".

She grabbed a second duffle bag.

"Socks, underwear, bras, swimsuit", he instructed next.

She did it but he saw a tear roll down her face. He was losing her.

"You have your motorcycle boots in the bag?", he asked.

She nodded.

"You were wearing Converse today. Do you need any other shoes?"

She shook her head no. He zipped the bag.

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