Chapter Fifteen

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Christmas Eve.

Rev and I got up when we felt like it, had breakfast, repacked, and prepped everything like we wouldn't be back again for weeks, including bringing with us the fruit and vegetables (and Cheetos) we had purchased only yesterday. I had a sneaking suspicion we would be coming back to his house to finish out the five day stay, but I didn't want to plan on it and then come back to rotting food in a month.

Once we got onto the main road, the roads were in much better condition than yesterday. We also had a major highway most of the way to my house.

The driveway wasn't completely clear, but it had been plowed fairly recently, and there was only a couple days' worth of mail in my mailbox. I knew Andy was swinging past every few days to get the mail and run some water through the pipes so they wouldn't freeze.

I owed him, not that I hadn't already or that I'd ever be able to repay him.

We came in through the front door and I averted my eyes from Brad's shoes and jackets in the entry way as I unzipped and kicked off my steel toed black motorcycle boots and kept walking through.

The giant boxes of Texan hats I had gotten for the kids were on the island along with a pile of mail.

"We gotta find giftbags for these things", I groaned.

"I can do that, love", Rev said, "after I get the heat going for you".

I met his eyes. Was he implying I should be working on packing up Brad's stuff?

"Is there something else you think I should be doing?", I asked him, hearing the unintended edge to my voice.

His eyebrow raised. "Don't you go getting your knickers in a bunch", he cautioned. "It's strange for both of us bein' in this house. I got the impression last time that it's harder for you when I'm here, so I can remove myself for a bit for you to do whatever it is you feel like doin', yeah?"

I instantly felt ashamed for thinking he was pushing me. Rev didn't push and he didn't manipulate.

He. Wasn't. Brad.

"I'm sorry, darling", I whispered, feeling tears of guilt sting my eyes. "I'm already getting myself worked up and the day has only begun. I guess I assume it's going to be a rough day, or days, so I'm on the defensive".

"I know", he simply said.

"Let's get you the dimensions of the biggest hat and then you can head out on your mission", I agreed.

Rev nodded and disappeared while I searched for a tape measure. I felt the heat kick on by the time I had measured Luca's hat and texted dimensions to him.

"All right then, love?", Rev asked as he appeared.

I met his gaze and nodded. His brow was furrowed and the lines across his forehead more pronounced. I knew he was worrying about me and he didn't want to leave me alone, but he thought that would probably be best for what I needed at the moment.

I believed he was probably right but I didn't like it either way.

"You need me sooner, you call, yeah?"

I nodded.

"You need more time, let me know that, too".

I nodded again.

"Want me to bring back some lunch?", he asked.

I nodded again. We hadn't gotten any groceries for this house and I really hadn't planned to, but we could probably use some basics.

"One sec, actually", I said, and took a quick peek around.

I made him a quick grocery list with under twenty items so we could at least eat breakfast and make sandwiches when we were here. There were also frozen pizzas in the freezer we could have if we ran out of options.

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