Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was dreary and raining when I woke. A miserable depressing day. I didn't mind rain, but the darkness always made me feel lazy and sad, the same as winter back home.

Weather apparently didn't affect Ip. He knocked lightly on my door then bounded through enthusiastically when I told him to come in. I was still trying to figure out what to wear. Ip was in a light blue quick dry t-shirt, a faded navy blue ball cap, black running shorts, and black running shoes. Not his typical attire.

"Hey, you can help me feed the horses quick and then we can go for a run", he said, grinning. "When it's raining, we get a break. No workers are coming in today and I've already cancelled the trail ride because of the forecast".

"Oh, okay. So...wait, you want to run in the rain?"

"Yes, ma'am", he grinned, "unless you're too scared. That cast is waterproof, right?"

"It is, but...that doesn't seem very enjoyable".

"I do it every time it rains. I don't get much time off otherwise. If you're too scared, though...".

He was wearing a wide grin, perfect white teeth shining, beautiful light blue eyes glinting mischievously.

"Fuck that. I'm not scared of shit", I snapped.

"Good. Dress for running then. I already ate. Do you-?"

"I prefer to run before breakfast, but I will grab some coffee. You want me to meet you in the barn?"

"Yes, ma'am. Better move fast or I'll be done before you get there".

He was gone before I could even reply.

Who gets this excited about rain?

However, I found myself smiling at his enthusiasm and actually interested in how this might go.

I pulled on a black sports bra, one of my open side running shirts in black, black running shorts, and my gray and hot pink running shoes. I pulled my hair into a French braid and didn't bother with makeup.

I walked quickly into an empty kitchen, filled a tumbler with coffee and creamer, drank some, then dashed across to the barn. It was a soft rain, constant and comforting, and it was still warm out. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

I started on the same row as Ip, but on the opposite side, feeding and watering horses. I wasn't as fast as Ip, not because of inexperience, but because I had to give each horse kisses and pets. He had done his side and half of mine before I had gotten through half.

"I'm going to the next row", he said, playfully tugging the end of my braid as he sauntered past.

I smiled at his back as he walked away.

I finished the last couple horses, then drank some more coffee before moving on to the next row with him.

When we were finished, it seemed to be raining harder. As I was drinking my coffee and watching the rain, Ip casually rested his forearm on my shoulder.

"You are conveniently the right height for this", he said with a grin. "The fence is the same height as your shoulder".

"Glad to be of service", I said sarcastically, and he laughed.

"Whatcha think?", he asked. "You ready for this?"

"I'm not sure", I said honestly, "but I like trying new things".

"Yeah, me, too. So...?"

He was looking at me expectantly with a giant grin.

"Yeah, okay", I smiled back, setting down my coffee.

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