Chapter Forty-One

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After the entirety of our crew ate, we were actually worse off than we had been. Exhausted, sore, and now drowsy from digestion, we decided to call it a night around ten. Logan, Luke, and I took Rev's rental truck back to the hotel.

I texted Rev on the way to see if he could (or simply was going to) leave. He told me he was fine and that I should go to bed.

Logan grabbed both his and Rev's duffel bags from the backseat and we gingerly made our way up to our rooms. Logan and Luke were roommates, but of course I would be alone.

I didn't like it.

As soon as the door shut behind me I was dialing Ip, who had answered before it even registered in my ridiculous brain that I had only today committed to letting him go and being dedicated to Rev alone.


"Hey", Ip answered. "You all right?"

"I don't even know how to answer", I responded. "I'm physically okay. My cast got taken off. Rev is being kept overnight, and he's awake and angry. We're exhausted so we gave up on the search for now, and I'm calling you because I'm alone in a hotel room and apparently I can't handle that. I'm sorry".

"There's nothing to be sorry for", Ip said gently. "It warms my heart that I was the person you decided to call when you needed someone. You did call me first, right?"

I laughed a little. "Yes, you actually answered before it even registered that I had called you".

"Nice", Ip said.

I could feel how pleased he was and I felt horribly guilty about what I planned to do to him. I was going to break his heart. Leave it to me to bring him to the highest pinnacle so the fall could be even more crushing.

Seems characteristic of my behavior.

"How's my family been?", I asked.

"They're wonderful", Ip said, and he sounded genuine. "Your brother is a lot like you. Seriously. I can see how he could rub people the wrong way, but I understand why he's said and done everything the way he has, and I've agreed with him on all points. He's been very gracious to me".

"He does like you", I agreed. "With Andy, he either respects you or he doesn't. He decides immediately and he will let you know either way. He gives zero fuck about feelings. He simply calls it like it is".

"Yep", Ip chuckled. "Kendra handles him really well and actually is in charge here, though she lets him think he is".

I laughed. "Accurate".

"Luca is well-mannered, polite, and sweet. And Gi...Paige, she is an absolute clone of you".

"Yeah, I know. I sure love all of them".

"I can see why", he said. "You know, Gi wasn't even scared. She was simply disgruntled. It blew my mind! Luca was out of his mind sick with worry and she told him it was no big deal! She said it was better her than him because she wouldn't get nightmares".

"She won't", I assured him. "She's going to be a Rev when she grows up. Guaranteed".

"I can see it", Ip mused. "She's a tough little shit. Braver than most adults".

"Yep", I said proudly.

"So, how is Rev, really?", Ip asked, sounding a little apprehensive. "You seemed nervous or scared when we were talking earlier".

"His leg wound was pretty bad. He lost a ton of blood. Seriously, so much blood. I'm not sure how he didn't die of blood loss. The surgery took a long time and they're keeping him overnight so that means it's still serious. Rev didn't try to escape so that means Rev thinks it's serious, too, which makes me even more scared".

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