Chapter Thirty-Five

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It took several hours, Luke's remote tracking assistance, and Clint's smooth talking over the phone with airport security before they were able to intercept Amber at the airport.

They brought her into an interrogation room right there and stood across the table from her, glaring down at her, both with winter jackets off, muscular arms crossed, and silent anger radiating from their bodies.

She appeared terrified, which was definitely a good thing. Her dyed blond hair was pulled back in an unkempt shoulder length ponytail, dark brown roots showing around her face. She had on heavy makeup, and her black mascara and eyeliner had already started leaching down her face from periodic tears. Despite the below zero temperatures, she had on a low cut v-neck tank top underneath an open sweatshirt and winter coat, revealing unnaturally large tanned breasts. She kept nervously twisting a hair tie between her fingers, long artificial hot pink nails clicking against each other as she did.

When they had approached her, she hadn't asked what it was about or appeared surprised in any way. She went with them willingly and silently, other than the periodic sniffle.

Finally, Rev pulled his phone out, started recording, and set it on the table in front of her. Then he broke the silence.

"Talk", he simply said.

"I can't", she said, voice wavering. "They will kill me".

"Who?", Logan immediately asked.

She pressed her juicy glossed lips together and shook her head no.

"We can offer you protection if you cooperate", Rev told her.

"Really?", she asked, appearing hopeful. "But will I have to go to prison?"

"That depends on what exactly happened", Rev said.

Her blue gray eyes teared up again. Rev distinctly got the impression that she didn't feel bad for what she had done, but rather what might happen to her.

She made him fucking ill.

Both men waited, silent formidable statues of annoyance until she spoke again.

"I only needed money. I had nothing against these people. I didn't know anyone was going to die", she said, more tears trickling down her face.

"Explain", Rev commanded.

"I met this guy one night a couple years ago when I was out drinking with my friends. We got to talking. He was complaining about the government leaving him high and dry after serving them in the military. I was frustrated with my student loans and with how broke I was. He asked what I was going to school for and I told him PR and he perked right up. He wanted to know everything I knew about the field and if I had interned anywhere before. About a week later, he messaged me and asked if I wanted to earn some extra money, which of course I did".

Logan was tapping his index finger against his forearm.

"What's his name?", Logan asked.

"I can't tell you", she said.

"Then we can't help you", Rev said.

"I don't know it!", Amber whined as tears started leaking down her cheeks.

"What name did he go by?", Logan asked doggedly.


Both men stared at her.

She wiped the tears from her face. "I'm not lying!", she said. "His online name is GunsRGold, and he told me to call him Guns, so that's all I've ever called him!"

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