Chapter Thirty-Six

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The week was long and emotionally exhausting.

Steve worked all day every day. He had me go to his house with him a couple nights to take care of the girls, and I interceded for him with Bre to make her go away while we did so.

Rev was gone most of the week in general, only coming to the house to sleep sporadic hours next to me without touching me, and leaving with barely speaking.

The kids were back in school.

I spent my days alone- working out, talking to Ip and Tommy, and sorting through my house room by room.

Rev didn't believe me when I said I wanted to sell it, but I felt sure that I did. I went through every closet and every drawer in my room upstairs and on the main floor, purging whatever I could. By Thursday I had a whole pile of random shit for Steve and Rev to go through to see if they wanted anything- tools, kitchen items, ect.

Rev didn't even give it more than a glance before saying, "No", and leaving the room. Steve went through everything thoroughly and kept a box of things to bring to his house on our next trip back.

Ip sounded worried and sad when I talked to him. I felt guilty about that but I couldn't let him come here. It would only make everything worse.

Friday morning Rafe called and I finally decided to answer.

"Hey", I said.

He exploded at me in rapid Spanish- cursing me and all white people, raging at my inability to communicate, and the insensitivity of leaving him hanging.

"I'm sorry. I lost it. You knew that", I said, as soon as I could get a word in.

"Yes, but something, Paige. You could have told something.  We have lost so much money because of this. Everything we had to cancel. People understand your loss but they would understand better with a reschedule day, which I don't have".

"I told Tommy to tell you I was done", I said. "Send me whatever I need to sign so you can charge me a crazy amount of money to break my contract".

He snorted. "He told me. It is wrong. I will not do!"

"Rafe, you're being ridiculous. I won't perform anymore. Not after the way Brad died with me on the stage during my show".

"You did perform! You lie! I see it online! Do not give me the bullshit! Now, you set date and we reschedule shows. We do this. You can".

I sighed. "I don't know, Rafe. I'm still leaning toward no. That was a spontaneous thing, two songs, neither were mine. I need to spend time with my family and I'm still a mess".

"I understand this", he said. "Let's set date awhile out".

"I can't commit right now. I don't know", I said. "How about this? How about we talk again in a month and see where I'm at then? I'm pretty sure Sam and Clay both want out now, though, so regardless we might be done".

"You are the brand", he said firmly. "Those two- easily replaced. No problem. I can let them go easy. I agree to your deal. We talk- one month".



Well, that was exhausting, and not how I wanted to start my day or end this week.

Immediately after I hung up with him, I called Ip.

"Hi!", he answered enthusiastically on the second ring.

"Hey, Ip".

"What happened now?", he asked.

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