Chapter Thirty-Eight

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It felt like I had only fallen asleep a minute ago when my phone ringing jolted me awake. I answered quickly, half asleep, not even aware of who it was.

"Hello?", I mumbled.

"Love. He's in San Francisco. Long and I are heading to the airport now. Luke is meeting us there".

"I'm coming", I immediately replied.

"It's doubtful Gi is there. There wouldn't have been enough time to move her".

"Doesn't matter", I protested. "There's cops on it here, the whole police department if we need them. You only have two people and it's doubtful you'll be able to get more help quickly".

I sat up and noticed that Steve was gone from the couch and only Ip was there staring at me. He pointed at himself urgently, raising his eyebrows.

"Ip wants to come help, too", I translated.

"Absolutely not. He stays with the family. They need someone who can protect them. You know how basic coppers are. Andy needs one of us there".

I shook my head no at Ip.

He shrugged but frowned.

Rev paused for a moment.

"I can help, Rev. You've trained me. You know I can help", I pushed.

"Fine", he said. "I'll have Long text you details".

"Thank you", I said, standing. "See you soon".

I hung up and Ip said, "Where is he?"

"They tracked Alan's IP address to San Francisco".

"You're going but I can't?", he asked as he stood.

"Rev said he needs one of us here. He doesn't think Gi's out there".

"No, they wouldn't have been able to move her that quickly", Ip agreed, "but he just wants to keep us apart".

"Probably", I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

His arms went around me and he squeezed me against his solid chest.

"You be careful", he cautioned. "I'll take care of everything here".

"I will and I know".

He released me, gently took my face into his hands, and softly smiled as he stared into my eyes. I felt my heart thud as I read the intensity of the love behind his light blue eyes.

"You come back safely", he said quietly. "We will find her. I know we will, but I won't be able to focus on that if you're being reckless".

"I'll be fine", I promised.

He gently kissed the tip of my nose. "Get going then".


Rev and Logan arrived in California at six in the morning, Rev rented a giant truck which made Logan chuckle, then they drove directly to the location Luke had given them. The plan was to stake the place out but not to make a move until they had backup.

Luke's ETA was over an hour behind them, and Paige was an hour behind that.

Logan had his doubts about Paige being useful, and when his face betrayed his confidence in her abilities, Rev ran through her experience for him, first swearing him to secrecy. Paige had done things that he, Logan, wasn't sure he would have had the balls to do. Therefore, she was in.

They arrived at their destination- a tall apartment building squashed between other tall apartment buildings.

Rev called Clint on speaker.

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