Chapter Thirteen

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Rev had held Paige close all night except for the hour they were up icing her hand. Rev had never been clingy to anyone or anything. As far as he was concerned, life and everything in it was ephemeral. He didn't live like other people because he didn't think like other people. His chance at a 'normal' life disappeared with his sister and the woman he loved at the same time, and he accepted that. He took things as they were, accepted the good with the bad, and was thankful for every minute he had gotten with Paige so far. He didn't try to control her and would never pressure her to stay, but he was feeling like he wanted to grab hold of her and never let her out of his sight again.

Something seemed to have changed in him regarding Paige since Brad died. Perhaps both of them had changed slightly. He found himself getting more protective, making emotional decisions, being more attached than normal. It wasn't simply because she had almost died, either. He'd already been through that with her once before. Maybe it was because he was slowing down and didn't feel as confident in his own ability to protect her, or maybe it was because she was doing crazy ass shit, throwing herself into unimaginable situations. He didn't know, but the vulnerability he had where she was concerned had gotten more pronounced and it was troubling.

So, he held onto her and was thankful for her, but was also counting the moments until they could be done with this mission and he could hopefully talk her into taking a break to finish healing from the loss of her husband.


"Rev, it's only two weeks to Christmas", I pointed out. "I want to see all the kids but...can we?"

Rev leveled a look at me. He looked determined and concerned. An odd combination

"We are going to go and that's all there is to it. We will make it work however it needs to. There's no reason we can't leave for at least a couple days. Call Andy".

"But do you think-".

"Do it, love", he said, pulling out his laptop and turning his back to me.

I called Andy, who didn't answer his cell phone. I wasn't surprised. I knew he would be at work. I tried his desk.

"Andy speaking".

"Hey. We want to come over for Christmas".

"Took you long enough to get back to me", he grumbled.

"Sorry. We've been busy".

"Rev workin' still?"


Andy snorted.

"He's taking care of me, Andrew", I snapped. "Stop implying he's not".

"I wasn't", he said, "just thought things might be different now that your circumstances have changed".

"He did tell me he would retire", I snapped, "but I told him not yet. Stop judging".


"You and I are going to have a long conversation when I'm home", I cut him off. "There's a lot you need to understand".

"Look, sis, you're overreacting-".

"Probably but I don't care. Rev is a fucking hero and no one, including me, has given him the credit he deserves".

"Paige-", he sounded shocked.

"When do you want us? I'm not sure how many days we can stay and I want to see the Larsens, also".

"Let me ask Kendra and I'll text you the details".

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