Chapter Eight

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Monday morning, Rev and I showered together, then I dried myself off, wrapped my hair in the towel, and started doing my makeup.

Rev had left the bathroom to get dressed, but when he popped back in to brush his teeth and saw me bending over slightly to get closer to the mirror in order to draw my eyeliner in a straight line, he groaned out loud.

"Damn, love", he whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing the back of my neck.

"We don't have time", I reminded him, which is also why we hadn't had sex in the shower.

I kept applying my makeup as he continued to kiss my bare shoulder and run his hand across my stomach and breasts.

"Rev", I scolded, struggling to finish my eyeliner.

"You can keep doing your makeup", he said, ignoring me.

I applied eye shadow, finding it incredibly hard to focus as Rev slid his hand down my belly and between my legs.

He caressed me expertly and gently slid one of his thick fingers inside me.

I couldn't help sighing in satisfaction.

"You are such a trouble maker", I complained, meeting his smiling eyes in the mirror. "Let me finish".

"Oh, you will, sweetheart", he whispered, biting my shoulder gently and taking off the pants he had just put on.

I quickly finished applying mascara to my eyelashes and set it aside. He pulled the towel out of my hair, wrapped his heavily muscled arms around me and bent me over the counter, supporting my weight on his arms as he entered me.

Rev was good. There weren't enough words to describe how good of a lover he was. He was always ready and willing if I wanted to, but he was also assertive and instigated it whenever he wanted, as well. I had found early on I couldn't say no to him. I didn't want to. It was incredible, every single time. He was spontaneous, creative, considerate. He wanted me to enjoy it. He took his time or he did it quickly, whatever the moment required. He read me and how I preferred it in that moment, and there was very little routine about our sex life.

I had done things with Rev I wouldn't have thought to do, and Brad would have never been okay with. I had given Rev lap dances in public and blow jobs while driving. I had sex with Rev tons of random places including in vehicles, outside, and in public bathrooms. Rev never hurt me during sex, but he was a little rough sometimes, always in a good way. It wasn't uncommon for me to be sore later or to have bite marks somewhere on my body.

Brad had been very good, also. I usually enjoyed sex with him and we usually finished at the same time. He took his time, was gentle, and did his best to please me...but he wasn't Rev, and he tended to get stuck in routine behavior, which meant I felt slightly bored at times. Plus, sometimes I needed him to not be so damn gentle. Then there were times when I didn't want to with Brad, because of his attitude or behavior, and I had even faked orgasms with him.

Not so with Rev. I had never been bored with Rev. Not even close. Rev was just so...Rev.

We finished at the same time with Rev biting down hard on my shoulder, one hand between my legs, and the other holding my breast.

He was panting against my ear. "Damn it, love", he said breathlessly. "You drive me bloody fucking wild. I cannot focus on anything else when you don't have clothes on. Even if you do".

"Good", I said smugly. "I prefer it that way".

He met my eyes in the mirror and smiled.

"Love you", he said, releasing me.

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