Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Ip had purchased a flight for six o'clock departure to Minneapolis and made it through security before he thought to call Jose.

When he answered, Ip gave him the horrible news and told him he was leaving to help.

"Son", Jose started hesitantly, "I don't know if that's in everyone's best interest right now".

"Paige needs me", Ip replied confidently. "I can help. Rev and I can do things the cops can't. Rev isn't going to fight with me when a little girl's life is on the line".

"You're probably right", Jose said. "I just don't want you and Rev taking the focus away from what's important, so you need to tread carefully".

"I will", Ip assured him.


As I made Steve supper, I started thinking about what Rev had said. Rev clearly assumed that the True Patriots were behind the kidnapping. If that were accurate, could the rest of my family also be in danger? Maybe they only took Gi because Luca wasn't with. Maybe they had intended to take them both? That thought made me so nauseated I nearly gagged.

"Steve", I said, as I set a plate of food in front of him.

"Yeah, hon?"

"What if they wanted Luca also, but didn't get him because he wasn't on the bus?"

He stared at me, his forehead wrinkled and his greenish blue eyes troubled.

"Maybe we should arm ourselves, collect him, and set up camp at yer brother's till we get her back", he said.

"That would make me feel a lot better", I said. "Do you mind?"

"'Course not. I love 'em, too", he said. "Lemme eat quick then we can go".

Steve could always eat no matter what.

I called my brother and told him my thoughts. He didn't sound okay but I knew he would be doing his damnedest to keep it together for Kendra. He gave me Gavin's address and said he would call the parents to let them know we were coming.

I found multiple guns and made sure Steve was satisfied with the choices, then I packed a small bag for myself and tossed everything in my Jeep. Steve simply grabbed the duffel bag he already had from his house and we took off.


Rev was having a hard time keeping his emotions in check. Gianna was missing, the True Patriots were likely behind it, and they didn't find Alan Ross.

They had banged on the door, announced their purpose, and then Rev let fit, young Logan do the honors of kicking the door off it's hinges.

Alan was not inside and had likely not been for some time due to the lack of food and clothes in the apartment, and the level of dust.

They dug around and didn't find anything implicating him or tying him to the True Patriots right off the bat, but upon a more detailed search, Rev found a gun taped to the underneath side of a cabinet, and Logan found bags of hundreds taped to the underneath side of dresser drawers. Inside the mattress they found guns. Inside the bedroom closet, Logan noticed a mudding line and decided to put his fist through the wall there. Inside the wall, they found more assorted illegal weapons and bags of cash.

Two hours later, Rev was calling Clint for help.

"Hey, man", Clint said. "What did you find?"

Rev ran through everything and then said, "We really need help tracking Alan now, mate. Paige's niece is missing and we think he's behind it".

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