Chapter Twenty-One

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Rev and Luke sat at Julie's Bar all night long, playing cards, shooting pool, and consuming enough whiskey to not appear suspicious. They hadn't heard a peep about, or from, Stubs all night.

When Rev got up around ten the next morning, the first thing he did was call his girl.

"Hello?", her melodic little voice answered.

"Hello, love. All right then?"

"Yeah, I'm doing better this morning. I actually threw up last night but I don't feel nauseous today".

Rev mentally groaned. Paige hated puking and the poor thing always seemed to be doing it.

"Sorry to hear that", he said.

"Any progress?", she asked.

He knew she was referring to Stubs.

"Nope. Luke's going back tonight alone, and I'll be outside, unless we hear any new information from Mike".

"Okay. Any progress on the other case?"

"Sorry, love. Still waiting to hear back from I.T.".

She sighed.

"You been behavin'?", he checked.

"All I did yesterday was sleep, throw up, eat, then sleep again. Today all I've done is shower, eat, and watch Ip work with a horse".

"Well, done!", Rev said, mildly surprised. "You wouldn't lie to me now, would you?"

"Not about that", she scoffed.

"What would you lie about then?", he asked, feeling his guard go up.

"Rev, don't even", she scolded.

"All right then. I love you".

"Love you, too".


After not being able to sleep all night long due to the butterflies fluttering around in his belly, Ip got up at normal time, ate breakfast with Paige, Jose, Juan, and Carmella, then proceeded on to his day.

Two weeks ago, Ip had started working with a petite palomino filly. She was gorgeous. Sleek, shiny, vibrant gold coat, buttery mane and tail. She was also rebellious, vicious, and temperamental. Jose had gotten her for a good price and was betting on Ip's skill to turn her around into something profitable.

He had only begun taking her into the ring three days ago, and couldn't do it with others around, thus, it was his first task of the day.

The name she had arrived with was Goldie, but Ip didn't care for it. It was too common for a gorgeous horse with this much fire inside of her. He hadn't thought of a better one yet, though.

By the time he had noticed Paige leaning on the fence observing him, he had been working with Goldie for over an hour.  He was soaked in sweat, had shed his t-shirt, had hit the ground once, been nearly bit twice, and almost kicked four times.

Shit, was his first thought, because he figured she was going to be a distraction, and he couldn't afford to make mistakes with this horse. Paige had on impossibly tiny denim shorts with one bronze shapely leg bent for her foot to rest on the first bar of the metal fence. Her loose navy blue tank top was cut with the sides split so that the hot, dusty breeze caught those sides and revealed glimpses of her bare sides and black sports bra beneath. Her hair was hanging loose and damp, drying in the breeze. She wore silver aviators, hiding most of the damage to her face, and her perfect rosebud mouth didn't move when he glanced her way.

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