Chapter Nineteen

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Mike's prints revealed that he really was Michael Murphy, and that he had been medically discharged from Special Ops, but his records were sealed so we couldn't read any details. The three of us talked and decided to meet with him after work.

I asked for his help stocking again so I could have a chance to fill him in.

"Hey, I spoke with the rest of my team and they'd like to meet you before I give you all the information", I informed him quietly in the basement.

"Team?", he asked, just as quietly, seeming surprised. "What the hell?"

"Still a long story", I explained. "You have a vehicle?"


"Excellent. I'll be getting a ride from you after work then. I'll show you where to go".

I waited as he took a moment to make a decision. He was staring into my eyes and probably trying to decide if I were delusional or trustworthy.

Finally he nodded.

"You here till close then?"

"Always am", I replied brightly.

"People will think we're hooking up", he cautioned.

"Perfect. That's a believable cover for us both, though all the other girls here are going to hate me".

He snorted and shook his head.

"Seriously. They all have crushes on you".

He looked so awkward and embarrassed, I had to laugh out loud.

"Sorry", I said. "Here, grab these".  I instructed him to take two cases of beer up for me.

Luke was inside the bar tonight, and Rev was on the road in his truck. Before close, Luke left and got in Rev's truck.

Sierra told me I could take off after she split our tips, but I told her I was getting a ride from Mike, who was currently stacking chairs so the floors could be mopped.

She raised one dark eyebrow and said nothing, but as she glanced at him, her forehead wrinkled slightly. I knew she also had a crush on him, possibly even more than that. He was the one decent guy in this establishment, possibly the only decent man she knew. I felt badly, but for the sake of Allie's cover, I couldn't tell her it was literally just a ride.

I pitched in, and the cleaning was quickly done so we could leave. Mike and I went out the back door together and I heard one of the meth head stripper girls say, "What the heeellll?!?", loudly. I'm assuming she was referring to us.

Mike had a beat up grayish blue Chevy Silverado, which gave me an unexpected pang of grief as I was reminded of Brad. And then again, as he opened the door for me like a gentleman, like Brad always had.

I instructed him to drive to a nearby park, where we met Rev and Luke in the parking lot. No one else was around.

I immediately got out and motioned for Mike to also do so, as both of my guys climbed out, towering and formidable. Mike appeared apprehensive as I stood next to him outside of his truck. He was probably wondering if he was about to get jumped.

"Anyone follow you, love?", Rev asked, sizing up Mike instead of looking at me.

"Nope", I answered confidently, as I had actively been watching.

"Mike", Luke said, extending his hand, "I'm Luke. I go by Matt around here. Special Agent in Charge of the sex trafficking division".

Mike shook his hand, looking confused. "I've seen you in the club", he said.

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