Chapter Twelve

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My hand was killing me. I was icing it constantly but the swelling hadn't really gone down at all overnight. At least it wasn't getting any worse.

Rev had gone downstairs to the hotel dining room to get coffee and breakfast for us. I didn't feel very peopley at the moment. After I ate, we were going to wrap bags around my cast and shower.

Man, I really fucking hated having to wear a cast.

Savannah had checked in with me already. I told her I was cleared and would be back to the shelter as soon as I got discharged.

I knew Rev was going to throw a fit about it, and we were probably going to argue, which pretty much never happened.

It's how it had to be. If I didn't get back, the mission was going to crumble.


After Rev got Paige showered, he gave her some space to get ready in the bathroom. She was getting frustrated with her hand and he knew she was going to get frustrated with him if he kept trying to help.

When she finally emerged clothed and with enough makeup on to cover the bruising on her face, she looked exhausted and irritable. She had on a black tank top and short denim shorts. Both of her raw knees were unbandaged open wounds.

"All right then, love?", he asked.

She simply climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him on his bald head. He loved her confidently coming in close to him for the affection she needed.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

"I'm proud of you, love", he said again.

"Thanks, Rev. I'm proud of you, too. Thanks for doing what I couldn't".

"Anytime, love".

"I need to go back", she said quietly, yet firmly.

"Not today".

"I need to, Rev".

"No, love. You need rest and you need me".

"I can rest plenty there. All there is for me to do is talk to people and give advice. I'll be icing and taking it easy, I promise".


She sat fully upright and looked into his eyes. She didn't have the contacts in right now, and he was as captivated by her eyes as he had been the day he met her. The green so vibrantly emerald, the gold and golden brown flecks which varied in intensity based on the lighting, and the depth of emotion which could be conveyed through them.

Right now he was reading a stubborn resolve, and some...sympathy? She felt pity...for him?

He immediately balked. "I said no".

"I'm sorry, my love", she said gently. "I am going even if you get mad at me. I know they're going to get suspicious if I don't, and I don't have what we need yet. I need you to believe in me and trust me to do what's right. I know you're worried about me and I love you for it. You always put me before yourself and everything else, but right now the mission needs to take top priority. If we mess this up, we might not get another chance".

Rev was breathing heavily, his temple pounding. She wasn't okay, so he wasn't okay with her not being in his sight. He refused to shout at her, though.

She waited while he got his temper under control, simply staring into his eyes.

"No", he repeated calmly.

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