Chapter Thirty-Nine

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By the time I had left the airport and navigated to where Rev and Logan were staking out an apartment building, I was exhausted.

I tried to sleep on the plane, really, I did, but I was too stressed to fall asleep longer than maybe thirty minutes.

Now that I knew Gi was safe, the sick fear in my core faded, the adrenaline that had kept me going drained out, and I was dragging.

As we pulled up to the apartment building, super tall, very dark, and extremely handsome Luke met my cab on the street, opened my door, and simply motioned for me to scoot over as he squeezed the bulk of himself into the backseat.

He told the driver an address and the driver took off after confirming with me that it was all right.

"Yes", I replied, "but why?", I asked Luke, meeting his dark brown eyes.

"Rev's instructions. We're to get two hotel rooms, ditch our stuff, then walk back over. They're inside the building staked out in key positions and they don't want to move right now. They saw people that seemed like they might be part of the group, and they're watching them. We will watch the exits from outside when we get back".

"Has Rev even gotten a gun yet?", I asked quietly. "And how do we get guns?"

"I'm an officer", he replied. "I have mine. Rev's got two agents on the scene with him, and they brought him a gun, but guaranteed you ain't gonna get one from them", he replied in his calm, soft voice. "Me and you gonna have to figure that out".

"Great", I said wryly, then I realized something.

"Hey", I said, brightening. "Did he tell you Ip rescued Gi?"

"Yes, ma'am!", he said, smiling. "Excellent news, L.G.  Glad to hear it".


Rev and Logan had thoroughly scoped out the entire building, and knew the routes in and out from the apartment in question. It was registered to a Meredith Berg but that didn't mean it wasn't Alan's apartment.

As they were on the main floor trying to decide on the best vantage points, a man and women dressed in the style Amber had described Alan dressing walked through the front door. By design, Logan and Rev had the advantage of being near the stairs, so without one word to each other, they both acted on instinct and quickly slipped through the stairwell door, watching through the window on the door as the couple crossed to the elevator.

Once they were out of sight, again, without speaking, Rev and Logan slipped out of the stairwell and stealthily moved along the wall toward the elevators. Logan peeked around the corner, saw no one, and stepped around.

They watched it stop at the fourth floor and Rev met his eyes. Alan's, or Meredith's, apartment was on that floor.

"You go stairs, I'll cover here", Rev said. "Text only, sound stays off".

Logan nodded and booked it to the stairs.


As Rev was waiting for a report from Logan, Luke called.

"Hey", Rev answered. "We saw a couple possible True Patriots. Logan's heading upstairs and I'm watching entrances".

"I'm on the ground. What do you want me to do?"

"Get me a bloody weapon!", Rev growled. "Clint was supposedly sending me a couple agents with one".

"I'll head right to their office and get up someone's ass", Luke assured him.

"Quick, mate", Rev pressed. "Real quick".

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