Chapter Forty-Six

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Rev did not like how this day was unfolding. He was lacking control, energy, and now manpower. Thompson and Long were inside the tunnel, he couldn't reach them, and he wasn't sure they would emerge in time to help capture these eight people.

He met Luke's eyes. His brow was furrowed but the stoic man otherwise appeared calm.

"Get the three captives and their sleds in this tent", Rev instructed. "Tie them together, make sure they can't move, then call Clint with an update".

Luke immediately left, motioning for Mark to follow.

Rev tried calling Thompson again, then Long. No answer for either.

He stepped out of the tent. Steph was nearby and she immediately walked over.

"Ip saw eight of 'em come out somewhere near the waterfall. They're on their way back down here".

"Logan and Thompson?", she asked.

"Don't see 'em, can't reach 'em".


"Exactly", he agreed. "Ip's heading down. Gonna leave Paige up top. It's up to us five to apprehend these guys".

"One's a chick", Steph pointed out.

Rev smiled in spite of the situation and his pain level. "'Course she is, ain't she?"

"What's the plan?", Steph asked.

"You're with Luke, Mark's with me, Ip's on his own".

"Because you want to kill off the competition?", she asked.

Rev snorted. This woman had some balls, and he thought Paige was mouthy!

"Actually, no", Rev corrected her firmly. "I need and want him to stay alive. It's because I've worked with both Ip and Luke before, so I know they can work alone, but I know jack about you and Mark, so you two need to be paired up. Between me, Luke, and Ip, only Ip is uninjured, so Luke and I might need more help than him, yeah? That's why we take you two. Satisfied?"

"Yep. Just checking your motives".

"What the hell for?", Rev growled.

"Ip's a good guy. One of two I've met in my whole life so far. I don't take that lightly".

"He is, and neither do I", Rev assured her. "Let's go".


I watched the single file procession of all white assholes serpentine through the rocks along the side of the waterfall and river until they got to flat embankment. There they proceeded on a direct, focused route back toward us.

My phone rang. I quickly answered Rev's call.

"They still on the same path?", he asked.

"Heading directly toward us along the river".

"There's still eight?"

"Yep, coming single file".

"Alright then, love. We're gonna walk up a bit and wait for 'em. Not so far out that you're not in range, though".

"Okay", I agreed, feeling a sharp wave of fear pierce through my abdomen.

What was that? Was something wrong? Was something going to go wrong?

"I love you, Rev", I added impulsively. "Please be careful".

"Love you, sweetheart", he replied gruffly. "Somethin' fierce".

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