Chapter Forty-Seven

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Steve was about twenty minutes out from the park was his best guess. He and Bre had been hiking here with the kids a few times. It was a beautiful area and a beautiful park. If he remembered correctly, he had wanted to take Paigie here when they were dating, but they couldn't seem to make the time to go.


Rev felt a wave of panic slam into his gut. He didn't know if he could handle it if something happened to that little woman.

Their paths had always been intertwined but he knew that didn't mean they were meant to walk them together. Didn't mean he could help lovin' her like he did, though.

He took the exit off of the interstate which would bring him directly to the park entrance a few miles down the road.

Then he heard a distinct noise which slammed that fear right into his gut again.

A helicopter?

Someone had been badly injured. That explosion was close enough to knock out Paigie's phone. It could be her in that copter!

Steve slammed on the gas, fishtailed slightly, and careened down the dark road to the park.

He met a SWAT van leaving. That would be them transporting the suspects then.

There were flashing squad lights in the parking lot and a cruiser blocking the entrance as he pulled up. Steve slammed his truck into park behind the squad, pulled his keys from the ignition, and started running for the entrance.

"Woah there!", someone called to him but he ignored them and kept running for the parking lot, beelined for the ambulance he saw.

He was almost to it when two agents roughly grabbed him and halted his progression.

"I'm part of this!", Steve said, attempting to shake them off. "I'm working with Rev...Luke Wilson...Ip Peterson...".

"It's okay!", he heard a deep male voice call out from the back of the ambulance. "He's with us!"

He met the eye of a tall, handsome, brown skinned young man with a mop of tight wild curls on his head, wrapped in a blanket with one eye patched.

The agents released him and the man extended a large hand to Steve, which he shook gratefully. It was ice cold.

"I'm Detective Long".

"Paigie?", Steve asked, worriedly.

"She's all right", a female voice spoke up from inside the bus.

Steve peered around Long's shoulder through the open ambulance door. There was a lanky woman with wet chin-length coppery hair and dark brown eyes watching him intently.

"I was on the phone with her and heard an explosion", Steve explained, "and I just saw a helicopter leave".

"Thompson", the woman explained, her dark brown eyes boring into his. She was pale with a strong jawline, full lips, amazing cheekbones, and a tough demeanor.

She was also wrapped in a blanket and he realized with a start that her long shapely legs were bare and her right thigh was being bandaged by an EMT.

"You okay?", he asked, indicating her leg.

"Fine", she replied promptly. "You're Steve?"

"Yes, ma'am".

"I'm Steph. I was at your house earlier today with Ip. Paige is fine. She was running back up to the waterfall with some agents just as we were arriving here. Rev's trapped in the upper part of the tunnel".

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