𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝙒𝙄𝙉𝙀 ; 𝙤𝙣𝙚

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the wine glass clinked as it hit the executives desk, the red wine sloshing from side to side as it was put down. the orange haired man groaned as he got to typing on his silver laptop. the night sky was starting to show through the blinds, the room that was once bright was no longer lit by the sunshine, instead was now lit by nothing but a mere candle or two, which was now burning out as well.

whatever wine was left in the glass, the man had now downed it in efforts of getting drunk, although he knew he wasn't a lightweight. it took more than two sad glasses of wine for him to be drunk. instead of filling his glass again, the man just grabbed the whole bottle, downing some of it in an instant.

he had coughed a little from the burning sensation in his throat, but instead of waiting a little longer before drinking some more of the red wine, he had drank more of it.

there was a knock at the office door, he took one last swig of his red wine, mentally preparing himself for what the boss would've said, since it was more than likely the orange haired man's boss.

"come in." the man grabbed the hat off of his desk and stuck it back on his head, all while leaning back in his chair to prepare himself. his right knee was bouncing up and down in means of anxiousness.

"chuuya, i expect you aren't busy at the time?" the bosses voice was deep and stern.

the man that was now identified as chuuya shook his head in a way of saying no.

"good. i have someone for you to find for me." the taller male tossed a picture onto chuuyas desk.

the hat wearing man leaned forward to examine the photograph. he had seen the woman in this photo before, he was certain of it. she had a bounty on her head of 10 million yen. that's just as bad as the weretigers bounty, so whatever her ability was, it must've been good.

"how much are you paying me to find her?" he threw the photograph back towards the man, and so it landed in front of him who was standing, just enough for him to look down on it and think about it.

"three million."

the man nodded his head once in a way of saying 'deal'.

the orange haired man's boss had left the room, not even giving the other any details about this woman to find.

it didn't take the male long to figure out who the woman in the photograph was, he had been positive that he had seen the hat that was on her head in the photo, as well as the mask that was covering the lower half of her face. her name was on the tip of his tongue, he was positive he had seen her before. and although the photo wasn't in the best of qualities, he could still make out the colour of her eyes, which were [e/c].

the boss had knew that the hat wearing male had seen this woman before, otherwise it wouldn't have been his mission to do.

his eyes flickered back and forth between the photograph and the bottle of wine on his desk before giving in entirely and downing at least three quarters of the bottle, which was almost entirely full, before examining the photograph closer than before, his eyes skimming through every little detail.

until he realized that the photo wasn't taken in yokohama. the entire time he thought it was taken in yokohama.

he pinched the bridge of his nose and scrunched up his eyebrows in pure annoyance.

he was desperately hoping that the boss wasn't asking him to go outside of yokohama.

"i hope she won't be a bitch about it and just allow me to take her." he groaned out before realizing just how stupid he sounded, getting his hopes up like that. "who am i kidding? mori only puts me one the hard missions." he rolled his eyes and slowly stood to his full height, which wasn't very tall, before stuffing the photograph into his coat pocket which was resting on his shoulders.


the mask that had been covering your face was now almost drenched in blood, as well as it was close to seeping through the mask. that's like- exactly how hepatitis happens.. gross-

you made sure all of the bodies surrounding you were actually dead before taking off your mask to examine it.

it had a few prominent rip marks that were obviously sewn up at some point around the mouth and ear areas, showing that it had been worn a lot, which it had, but other than that, it looked like it needed a wash to get the blood out. otherwise, it should still work fine.

but before you could check the inside of the mask, you could sense someone walking towards you, and it definitely wasn't one of the dead bodies surrounding you. i mean, come on, they're dead. you quickly morphed your face to look like some innocent old lady, who just happened to be surrounded by dead bodies.

"turn around."

and so you did.

holy shit.

"chuuya?" the morph didn't last long enough, since you didn't keep your focus up. i mean, you recognized the short angry dude standing in front of you.

"oh, shit! you've changed a bit."

the man standing infront of you, looked around, before looking back at you.

"is this some kind of prank? it certainly isn't funny."

huh. so he didn't recognize you.

"that's besides the point. what are you doing around here? aren't you set up in yokohama right now?"

his brows furrowed before letting his voice go quieter than he would've liked.

"how do you know that?"

you cocked your head to the side slightly. you were a little bit confused. yeah, you had kept contact with dazai, but not much since oda died. but you just assume him and chuuya stayed friends or whatever they referred to eachother as.

"ive been talking with dazai."

you could immediately see a change in the air when dazais name was brought up, which told you that they obviously hadn't stayed in contact, and if they did, they sure didn't like eachother.

"that's not what i'm here for, i'm getting off track. i'm gonna need you to come back to yokohama with me." he paused before looking to the side, then back at you. "or else you'll have to be forced to come with-"

"deal." you stuck your hand out for a handshake.  you were always better with actions than words.

he just looked down at your hand before looking at your face, and back at your hand again.

"i don't do handshakes. hurry up."

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now