𝘾𝙃𝙐𝙐𝙔𝘼𝙎 𝙍𝙊𝙊𝙈 ; 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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"it's only lunch time. if you go to sleep now, you'll be up all night." chuuya rested against the headboard, his legs stretched and crossed on the bed infront of him.

you huffed, "yeah, and?" you made direct eye contact with him. "i'm exhausted, and my legs hurt."

he couldn't help but grin at the fact that he was the one to make you feel this way. everyone saw that he left love bites on you. just knowing that he did that was enough to make him feel all warm and happy inside. you on the other hand felt rather embarrassed that everyone knew. after all, it was chuuya and you. the two of you grew up together, it was just kind of weird for anyone who didn't know the whole story.

"do you have anything i can wear? i don't want to go back to my room." you started digging through his dresser, finding a shirt that was probably only a size bigger. as well as some random shorts he had.

"sure. just take what you need." he scoffed.

he admired the way your suit had hugged your curves, although he felt bad about the fact he put you back in it after.. er.. earlier, since he knew it would've been rather uncomfortable after the fact. he also couldn't help but watch you change, just seeing the marks he left everywhere made him feel accomplished.

he reached for his phone, disregarding what you were doing and pulling up dazais contact. a small smile appearing on his face as he typed out the sentence:

'i win, bitch."

dazai wouldn't understand what it meant. but regardless, chuuya found it rather funny. he won, you chose him.

'not for long.'

..what does that even mean? dazais reply sent chuuya into a confused state. were you planning to leave the mafia after all? or was he just being stupid?

he decided that it was probably the latter before getting up and walking over to you, which you were standing at his wine cabinet, pouring yourself one of his absolute favourite brands.

"what are you doing?" he walked up behind you, his hands snaking underneath your shirt and around to your waist. "you said to take whatever i needed. i needed alcohol." you put the glass up to your lips, taking a small drink since you had never tasted this before, immediately not regretting the fact that you hadn't asked chuuya about it.

it burned your throat as it went down, which, technically - all liquor does. but this was different, it tasted.. like - spicy?

"holy shit, that's strong." you put the glass down. "really?" he picked up the glass, copying your actions as you glanced at him through your peripheral, watching his every move. he wrapped his arm around you to place the glass down. "tastes fine to me." he shrugged.

"oh. must just be me then."

you started glancing around the room, trying to figure out what time it was. your head was pounding, probably from sleeping too much, or lack thereof.

"what's wrong?" you shook your head, reaching for his hands (which were still around your waist, by the way.) pulling them away and walking over to your phone on his nightstand. you could easily feel his eyes following you, trying to figure out what on earth you were doing.

"it's only five o'clock. that's bullshit." you scoffed, laying down on his bed.

"what? are you bored or something?" he questioned, "i have other ways to pass the time if you really want." he grinned, walking over to you and sitting down beside you.

"hey, chuuya?" he turned around to look at you, making a 'hm' sound. "calm your dick or i'll fucking cut it off."

"don't hate the messenger."

you were rather confused as to what he meant, it took you a moment to figure out what he was saying.



chuuya was obviously hard. you took this as a chance to look down at his dick before scoffing. "does anything get you men horny?"

he couldn't help but laugh slightly. "not quite, just seeing you in my shirt is fucking hot." he smiled. "so, what's it gonna be? i deal with.. this.. myself, or you help me?"

you were rather exhausted, but the way he filled you to the fucking brim did feel awfully nice. but you were also rather sore, so in this scenario, sucking him off seems like the best bet.



you being on your knees infront of chuuya was a site to see, he could honestly get off on just this. but why would he have to when he has you and your pretty little mouth infront of him at this very moment?

chuuya waited for you to set this pace, currently just rubbing his hand underneath your jaw, admiring the way your eyes sparkled in his rather dark room, the way his hand fit perfectly underneath your chin.

you started off slow, just licking the side from the bottom up, earning a quiet groan that you would've had to been paying close attention to hear it.

"hey, hey, wait." you glanced up at him, "if you can't take the whole thing just yet, that's fine. don't worry about it."

yeah, right.

you put the head of his cock in your mouth, receiving a few breathy grunts in return of your actions. you took note of how sensitive he was. you bobbed your head up and down slowly, pumping what you hadn't taken in your mouth with your hand. his whole body was tensed up at this point, his breathing was staggered and his head was back. you decided to go a little further down his dick, pumping with your hand faster now, his hand tended up on your hair, he thrusted his hips up slowly, not enough for you to notice yet.

you took the rest of him in your mouth, shocking him quite a bit, although he was enduring too much pleasure to focus on that for long, instead he focused on gripping at your hair, bobbing your head up and down faster than what you had set the pace to, as well as thrusting into your mouth, causing you to gag slightly.

"shit- hah.. can.. can i..?" he managed to spit out, his dick twitching deep inside your throat. you nodded, continuing to suck him off.

it wasn't much longer until he finished, the taste of him entering your throat after which you swallowed, ignoring the absolutely atrocious taste.

you both tried to catch your breath, eventually you did. he looked down at you, "where.. did you learn how to do that?"

you smirked softly. "let's be honest, you don't really want to know." to which he nodded and fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

he was a bit sad that he wasn't your first, but at the same time he was happy that you weren't entirely inexperienced. as well, he got to corrupt you and train you to be his personal fuck toy. now that, he was excited for.



𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now