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"chuuya, please-"

"it's still a no."

you groaned. you were begging him to drive his car to hangout with dazai. but, he was an asshole who wasn't going to let you.

"regardless," you rolled your eyes. "im sitting in the front."

he unlocked the car, getting in as you walked to the other side. speaking of which, when was he gonna get his motorcycle back? apparently dazai placed a bomb under it awhile back.

"you're an asshole. you know? i thought we were getting somewhere last night." you scoffed, biting the inside of your cheek out of annoyance. "getting somewhere? yeah, good fucking luck with that. i wouldn't trust you as far as i could throw you." he started up his car, placing his hand behind the headrest as he reversed out of the parking lot. once he was done, he kept one hand rested on the wheel and the other rested on the stick shift. "you don't trust me?"

"i don't trust you."

oh.. that hurts a lot more than it should. he used to trust you with his whole heart. is this how he felt when you left? ouch.

"so what can i do to regain your trust? please, chuuya. i'm sorry for leaving. but i can't take that back."

silence filled the air. momentarily - all you could hear was both of your breathing. eventually, he started speaking.

"i don't think you understand." he sighed. "you can't.. just earn that trust overnight, [f/n].. i wished you would come back for two years. every. night." you felt his gaze wavering on you, but you chose to ignore it. you couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes. "you fucking broke me beyond repair. do you even know what happened when you left? dazai had to check me into a hospital because i overdosed on my antidepressants. i thought it would've stopped me from feeling anything. and then dazai left- i blacked out for days at a time. no one cared enough to check on me, as long as i did my missions, i was considered good enough."

he.. overdosed?


he pulled in front of the agency, dazai was waiting outside. he must've spaced out considering it took him a few seconds to notice you.

"don't. i don't want your fucking pity."

dazai opened the car door, hitting himself in the head on the way in.

"jeez, did you two fuck or something? the air seems tense in here." he crawled into the middle, leaning forward, shooting glances between the two of you with a smile that reached his ears. "dazai- gross." you face palmed.

"you're so horny all the time. when was the last time you were even with a woman?" chuuya awaited for directions on where to go. "just when we were together." he gave you a smirk and chuuyas brows furrowed. he didn't care to hear this. "we were never together."

"yeah.. but i wish we were. anyways, where should we go? i heard from ranpo that there's a few nice spots around town." he leaned back.

chuuya was still awaiting commands on what to do. he didn't even want to be here. "where are we going then? because i'll drive right home if i have to deal with you two figure it out." he groaned.

"dazai, figure out where we're going." you sighed rather dramatically, hoping to get this done and over with so you could figure out what the hell was wrong with chuuya.

"no need to rush, we'll figure it out. just go downtown." dazai's eyes met with chuuyas in the rear view mirror, dazai gave him a little smirk while chuuya shot him a glance before resuming focus on driving.

"dazai. this is a bar."

he brought you to some bar that you've never seen before, if anything- you expected him to bring you to lupin.

"i figured you two need to get laid. that car had some serious sexual tension." he shrugged, walking up to the bartender and ordering a drink. you glanced over to chuuya, who already looked annoyed.

"my head still hurts.." you rubbed your temples in anxiousness. you were still slightly hungover, you can't imagine how chuuya feels considering he blacked out yesterday as well as get drunk in the middle of the night. "yeah, so does mine." he rolled his eyes, following dazai as he received his drink.

you quickly ordered some random alcoholic beverage, downing it as soon as it was given to you. you hated bars. they weren't your scene, you'd rather drink in the comfort of your own home. in the blink of an eye, dazai was gone from one side of you, flirting with some woman in one of the corners of the bar, chuuya sat on the other side of you, swallowing his drink whole. you watched the bulge in his throat move as you spaced out on him.

"what?" his eyes pierced daggers through your soul. "are you not going to mention the fact that you.. overdosed?" he shook his head in disbelief that you would even mention it. he thought you would've ignored it like you ignore all your problems. "no, we aren't going to talk about that. stop pretending like you care, it was four years ago, get over it. if you cared; you never would've left in the first place."

you scoffed. he was fucking unbelievable. someone sitting on the far end of the bar caught your attention, you disregarded chuuya who kept talking and went over to the person acrost the bar. he was fairly attractive, he had black hair styled into a wolfcut, eyeliner and a lip piercing. fantastic, someone who can keep your mind off chuuya.

"hey, girlie." his tongue pushed a bump in his cheeks as he gave a small smirk towards you. "is your boyfriend bothering you?" you sat down beside the guy, giving him a glance as you felt chuuya hurning two holes in the back of your head.

"just an argument. i need a distraction."

his sharp canine tooth showed as he smiled softly. "perfect."


anyways goys i feel like this chapter was shit and like every other wattpad story out there but its ok!!!

should i add smut to this yay or nay bc i kinda want to but ultimately it is up to you guys!!!

also im failing science lol (56%) !

let's hear some opinions bc if you guys want smut, the next chapter perhaps will have some, + a backstory between dazai and [f/n] (spoiler, they did fuck) and possibly some chuuya smut, as well as the new guy we just introduced

let's hear some opinions bc if you guys want smut, the next chapter perhaps will have some, + a backstory between dazai and [f/n] (spoiler, they did fuck) and possibly some chuuya smut, as well as the new guy we just introduced

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also this is how i imagine them ^^ but with a better wolfcut bc that's all i could find lolz

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