𝘽𝙊𝙎𝙎 𝙈𝘼𝙉 ; 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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"remind me again.. why am i sitting in the back?" you huffed in annoyance. he stayed silent and focused on the road, completely ignoring everything you had said. "hellooo? chuuuuya?" he still ignored you.

you brushed it off and looked around the backseat of the car, and you happened to find a pistol. "oh, what's this? a gun?" you made sure to put on that innocent voice that would have for sure got his attention.

"put it down."

you kept the pistol in your hand and looked up at the rearview mirror, chuuya was looking at you through it.

"ah, so he speaks." you scoffed out before dropping the gun and putting your hands up in defeat. (although that was a fight you could have won.)

he immediately went back to ignoring you and to focusing on the road. which made you notice that you were in yokohama now.

well, it's been awhile.

you wanted to see it better, so to piss off chuuya, and possibly kill the both of you, you hopped up into the front seat.

"what are you-" you covered his mouth with your hand before looking around. he made some mumbling noises as if to finish his sentence. "i could barely see anything back there. i won't touch anything."

you dropped your hand from his mouth and completely put your focus on the tall buildings around you.

"touch anything and i'll kill you myself."

your focus switched over to to chuuya and you gave him a sarcastic smirk.

"you obviously need me so you wouldn't kill me."

and he just went silent.

now was the perfect time to give him a once over, see how much he had changed.

well.. he could obviously drive better now, considering back when he was fifteen, he almost crashed a car with you and dazai in it. of course, you were stuck in the backseat then as well.

otherwise, not much has changed.

he had obviously changed the way he drives though.

back then, he gripped onto the steering wheel with both hands, and looked scared out of his mind.

but now, he only has one hand on the wheel, and the other on the gear shift. he looked more relaxed then he ever did all those years.

"when did you learn how to drive properly?" you put all focus back on the outside world while waiting for his answer.

"..i learned to drive a car when i was seventeen." so he learned after you left the port mafia. good to know.

"so- do you remember me? at all?"

he left that question unanswered, before pulling into a parking lot. "we're here."

so, did he remember you or not? it seemed as though he wasn't going to answer you.

"it looks no different then it did five years ago." you mumbled to yourself. you desperately didn't want to be back, but, it was chuuya, and that was the only reason you agreed to come with him.

"why are you putting me in handcuffs?" you had your backed turned to chuuya, impatiently awaiting his answer. the boss (along with everyone in the building) knew who you were. you weren't a threat to the organization whatsoever.

"boss won't trust you."

the click of a lock was heard, along with chuuya stuffing something in his pocket. he put a hand on your lower back before shoving you to get you moving.

"okay, asshole. i know the building, remember? and second of all, mori knows who i am.. i'm not untrustworthy."

he took the hand that lingered on your back away, before continuing to speak. "you left, did you not? i doubt you quit. you don't seem to have it in you to quit somewhere, rather than run away." he was.. correct, in everything there. "i did leave. but as to why, is none of your concern." he scoffed, probably rolled his eyes as well. "so, i was right." when did you ever deny him being right? stupid.

"yes, chuuya. you were right." you groaned. "for once in your life.." your voice was barely above a whisper, just to make sure he couldn't hear you.

at one of the corners, he decided on going straight when moris office was to the left.

"hey, genius. you were supposed to go left."

he stopped and looked around, before shooting you an angry expression. classic.

"i may not have stayed in yokohama, but i did make some friends in high places.

you didn't. you were talking about dazai.

while dazai may not be in high places, he sure was high.

"hello, mori." you gave him a faint smile, although he always creeped you out.

being in the port mafia at a young age, especially with how he was.. into younger girls, sure didn't help. i mean, you can't hate the guy. he was basically a father figure to you.

except one that decided to go on killing rampages, but we don't talk about that part.

"welcome back, [f/n]. it's been a while, hasn't it?" he sat behind the desk, while chuuya stood in the doorway. you were stuck in the middle of the room, awkwardly standing. "it's been almost six years."

you could feel the tense atmosphere. mori seemed too comfortable, you were awkward and chuuya.. seemed uncomfortable, watching this go on.

"that's quite too long, darling."

you tried your hardest to not cringe or just punch him in the face. well, there's one reason you left.

"i have to disagree, mori. i enjoyed my time out of the mafia." you furrowed your brows, you really didn't want to deal with this.

"well, onto bigger things."  he shrugged, leaning back in his chair in the process and giving you a sinister smile. "i heard that you went on a killing spree." you gave a slow nod in agreement. "and i heard that you've been using your ability to do it. why is that?"

"i never trusted myself to use it in my time here. and i was never a weapon that could have been used to fight off other organizations to get what you wanted."

reason number two.

"i.. learned how to use it properly, under the command of dazai after i left." 

chuuya tensed at the name, and mori looked quite shocked. "you met up with dazai after he left?" he questioned. "i met up with him before he left, mori."

"smart girl." he leaned forward again, resting his elbows on the desk and placing his palms together.

"what do you think of joining back? it doesn't have to be permanent, but i, along with a few others, have dearly missed your presence.."

"i'm going to decline." he shot you a confused look before exchanging a glance with chuuya. "i will work here, but if i don't like doing something, then i won't. and don't place me under your care. if i have to be under anyones, make it chuuyas." you kept your voice firm.

"you've gotten so much more demanding. but yes, yes, i'll do it." he gave you a nod. "do you remember the way to your old room? along with chuuyas office?"


you had the whole building embroidered into your brain. this whole building was just muscle memory to you.

"fantastic, that's where you'll be sleeping again."

you turned away from him. you physically couldn't face him any longer. chuuya took note of how uncomfortable you looked, although, he had never met anyone who was actually comfortable with mori.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now